Marijuana are both plants and the raising of them has been going on for years. As for alcohol man has been making it since Noah. I have made grape wine and it's no big deal. One year I made 55 gallons of wine and it lasted for four years. It got better by the year. An argument for or against growing any one is just as good or bad as the other. I for one am neither for or against the legalization of Marijuana, Tobacco or Alcohol for that matter. If I got sick and knew that Marijuana would help me, what do you think an old gardener like me would do? If I didn’t smoke it I could use it to make rope. Why not make rope out the excess or the plant parts that remain after harvesting the smoking part? There’s an industry waiting to happen. Because of that, I think it would be worth while to legalize it. Overnight we could begin to ship rope made from hemp. Maybe we could make hanging ropes for the revenuers.
If you want to see real recovery, get the government out of all of them. They have been on that tit for too many years. What our government needs is to dry out from the excesses they have been experiencing by stealing from the people. Let’s call it what it really is. Theft and actual extortion. There are so many taxes and hidden taxes and fees it would be exhausting just to list them all. Look how many pages it takes to list all the taxes and charges you are billed on your phone bill. The ones I hated the most were the telephone tax.
When the MagicJack came on the scene I bought one. I immediately did away with my land line for the telephone. I ordered a 5 year subscription at a 20% discount. So for 5 years I had to pay $79.80. That one payment was equal to my landline bill for one month. So now I have all the amenities of the land line telephone except for the very costly billing. My cost per month with MagicJack is, are you ready for this, it’s $1.33. That’s right, it isn’t a typo, it is one dollar and thirty-three cents per month. I have had my MagicJack phone for nearly two years now and just try to make me change back.
Now that I have the phone with the magic jack I can go anywhere there is a computer and take it with me and use it. It’s self-programmable and works like a charm. Just try and talk me out of it.
Getting back to Marijuana and Tobacco, the problem is not the people, it’s the government. Leave the people alone. These are problems that must be, should be, and will be on the local level. If a community wants to be what is called ‘dry’ let them be. The people as a whole will do a very good job at local government. It’s already established, we just need declarations on the local level for the federal or state government to but out. We could truly return then to an honest representative government. We need to revisit the Federalist arguments when this great nation was being formed and maybe turn the clock back a little. Maybe not just a little but a lot.
On to good health. If you want to get healthy, raise your own organic food. It can be done from fruit, vegetables to fish. That’s right fish in your aquaponics garden. It can also be certified ‘organic‘. Check out the links on left under Excellence In Aquaponics.
As a recommendation for housing our government, what we need to do is legalize all the drug traffic. Then turn one of the empty prisons into a camp for our newly elected federal government and let them set up for about 3 months out of the year to conduct their business, then go back home for the rest of the year. The same goes for the states. Each one take one of their empty prisons and turn it into a camp for the state government and turn them out after 6 to 12 weeks and let them go back home to their representative people. We might have to consider a draft to enlist people for some government jobs. No term to exceed 2 years.
Rent out Washington DC and the empty state capitals. Talk about saving money and turning the world into a paradise. It just may happen. We as a people can do it.
Thank you for reading my blog: Brad Vigansky
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