No Rick, you can't have your dog back. He's going the wrong way.
Gardening has a lot to do with maintaining my health. I get sunshine, exercise, enjoyment, relaxation and time just to meditate. I do have a couple chairs in my garden that I use from time to time. Like when I need a break. It is then I get to meditate. I have been thinking about the present swine flu pandemic and came in the house and got on my computer and started some research. I would like to share some of the information with you.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens and Dr. Russell Blaylock, and many others, recommend avoiding vaccines. There is lots of evidence from many sources that indicate and report that at best, vaccines just don’t work. In fact, they tend to weaken the immune system, sometimes even bringing about worse conditions than the viral infection itself. Why else would “big pharmaceuticals” successfully lobby, during the previous administration, for immunity from legal action due to complications caused by vaccinations? I can recall when I was 30 years old and in the fall of the year, about September I got a flu shot. Needless to say, I was sick all winter. “Oh yes, I already had the flu virus before I had the shot.” That’s what the Dr. told me. I am 78 now and haven’t had a flu shot since. A couple times I did get the flu, but I recovered quickly and didn’t have to spend the winter being ill. The sad part of all this is, you can’t prove a negative result.
Dr. Cousens recommends strengthening the immune system with vitamin C and D. Vitamin D storage is increased through skin exposure to outdoor sun and/or mercury free fish oils. Also, it’s an excellent idea to ensure you are taking in plenty of zinc with adequate selenium (don’t exceed 200 mcg) as most of the population suffers from a deficiency of this important mineral, which helps prevent cytokine storms which is swine flu deaths in healthy adults. Sunshine in moderation without blockers; it is the sun blockers combined with the sun that may be the real causes of skin cancer.
Adding sub-lingual B-12 (for better absorption) is another valid protection against cytokine storms. Getting enough sleep is high on the list of activities required for strong immune systems. Most importantly, having a good emotional attitude, which includes not stressing over pandemics and other issues, is essential to the immune system. I wonder where that term cytokine storms came from. I looked it up and all I could find is that it is what they call swine flu deaths in healthy adults. I’m really paranoid about it; could it really be murder?
Here is a recipe for making: Elderberry Tincture. One thing for sure, it’s safer than a flu shot.
1) Clean Quart Jar add 1/4 pound dried elderberries (Must be Sambucus nigra)
Purchase dried elderberries at a health food store.
2) Fill to top with vodka. Put lid on tight.
3) Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
4) Label and date the jar and let it sit for at least 30 days before you strain it. It can be used without straining and it will just continue to get stronger
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon four or five times daily during infections. Otherwise once daily as a preventative during flu season.
Sambucus nigra, or European elder, is a tall tree-like shrub, native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and naturalized in the United States. Various parts of the elder have long been used in traditional medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent, laxative, and emetic. The berries were used traditionally as a food to make elderberry wine and pies, and as a flavoring or dye. Currently, extracts of the berries are used primarily as antiviral agents for colds, influenza, and Herpes virus infection. Research has also demonstrated Sambucus nigra has immune-modulating, antioxidant, and insulin-stimulating properties. Quote from: Sambucus nigra: Alternative Medicine Review, March, 2005
I have made this tincture of elderberry and it's so easy to make there is no reason that everybody couldn't have this on hand during cold and flu season.
I wonder how a shot of blackberry brandy would do?
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Dr. Gabriel Cousens and Dr. Russell Blaylock, and many others, recommend avoiding vaccines. There is lots of evidence from many sources that indicate and report that at best, vaccines just don’t work. In fact, they tend to weaken the immune system, sometimes even bringing about worse conditions than the viral infection itself. Why else would “big pharmaceuticals” successfully lobby, during the previous administration, for immunity from legal action due to complications caused by vaccinations? I can recall when I was 30 years old and in the fall of the year, about September I got a flu shot. Needless to say, I was sick all winter. “Oh yes, I already had the flu virus before I had the shot.” That’s what the Dr. told me. I am 78 now and haven’t had a flu shot since. A couple times I did get the flu, but I recovered quickly and didn’t have to spend the winter being ill. The sad part of all this is, you can’t prove a negative result.
Dr. Cousens recommends strengthening the immune system with vitamin C and D. Vitamin D storage is increased through skin exposure to outdoor sun and/or mercury free fish oils. Also, it’s an excellent idea to ensure you are taking in plenty of zinc with adequate selenium (don’t exceed 200 mcg) as most of the population suffers from a deficiency of this important mineral, which helps prevent cytokine storms which is swine flu deaths in healthy adults. Sunshine in moderation without blockers; it is the sun blockers combined with the sun that may be the real causes of skin cancer.
Adding sub-lingual B-12 (for better absorption) is another valid protection against cytokine storms. Getting enough sleep is high on the list of activities required for strong immune systems. Most importantly, having a good emotional attitude, which includes not stressing over pandemics and other issues, is essential to the immune system. I wonder where that term cytokine storms came from. I looked it up and all I could find is that it is what they call swine flu deaths in healthy adults. I’m really paranoid about it; could it really be murder?
Here is a recipe for making: Elderberry Tincture. One thing for sure, it’s safer than a flu shot.
1) Clean Quart Jar add 1/4 pound dried elderberries (Must be Sambucus nigra)
Purchase dried elderberries at a health food store.
2) Fill to top with vodka. Put lid on tight.
3) Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
4) Label and date the jar and let it sit for at least 30 days before you strain it. It can be used without straining and it will just continue to get stronger
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon four or five times daily during infections. Otherwise once daily as a preventative during flu season.
Sambucus nigra, or European elder, is a tall tree-like shrub, native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and naturalized in the United States. Various parts of the elder have long been used in traditional medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent, laxative, and emetic. The berries were used traditionally as a food to make elderberry wine and pies, and as a flavoring or dye. Currently, extracts of the berries are used primarily as antiviral agents for colds, influenza, and Herpes virus infection. Research has also demonstrated Sambucus nigra has immune-modulating, antioxidant, and insulin-stimulating properties. Quote from: Sambucus nigra: Alternative Medicine Review, March, 2005
I have made this tincture of elderberry and it's so easy to make there is no reason that everybody couldn't have this on hand during cold and flu season.
I wonder how a shot of blackberry brandy would do?
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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