Good morning: I have found that some people are getting confused to just what an aquaponic gardening system is. The best way that I can explain to you what an aquaponic system is will be found in this short youtube clip. It will only take 2minutes and 11seconds. I don’t know how long it might take you to download. With broadband you won’t even notice it. Dial up is another matter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS3sej53gx0&feature=related
There are a couple reasons why I like this short presentation is because it is easy to look at, and listen to. No nonsense and the aquaponic system is cheap and practical to build and not filled with extra noises. This is a real down to earth non commercial system. It is a very brief presentation, but the ideas are there and it should be listened to a couple of times, just to catch the important points. The idea being that commerce wants to sell you the most expensive system that you can afford. The fish don’t care as long as they can eat and swim around in comfort; and the plants don’t care as long as they get fed and watered and have a comfortable place to grow. What I want to sell you is the idea of solving the worlds starvation and hunger problems. Martin Luther King had a vision; I have a vision far greater than that.
For the last few blogs, I got a little political and I could see the tie in to gardening and how it has been kept from the public for years by a greedy “big business“ and will attempt to remain on track with my gardening blog. If I get political I will try to relate, Why. I think aquaponic gardening is here to stay, and as long as I am able I will try to promote it. The reason it is catching on is many faceted and I personally believe rejection to it is very political and will inject what I think is important and relate to why I think that the government will not get behind it. It’s been around for more than 10 years and is slowly leaking out into the public. As that matter aquaponic farming has been around for thousands of years. It is just recently that science from our universities has “so to speak” worked out the bugs. A well regulated aquaponic system can be certified organic and the produce is safe and free of undesirable pathogens. It will produce 10 times more food than the conventional gardening methods with 70 percent less water. The impact is staggering. It is a system that is friendly to the elderly, and people that are not able to get around very well. They can easily maintain and monitor the system. It will free up your time, no more weeding and the backyard system requires only minutes a day to maintain. This would also solve a massive food transportation problem. It would return to the local home ares. I want to shout to the world from an airplane that the world shortage of food is solved. We just need to turn the tables on the greedy that are in control of the banks and commerce. We need to get busy in our back yards. Don't even think about borrowing money to get started. Keep the banks out of it. Look for discarded materials, there are lots of things that have been designed to be thrown away that could be usable. You just have to search it out.
If you recall your Sunday School lessons your will remember that when Jesus Chirst walked into the temples, the one thing he did in anger and disgust was to knock over the “money changers” (today would be the bankers) tables. I look for that to be repeated when he returns. Banksters look out. Our problem today is not with Obama, it’s with the dirty politicians and “Bankers”. I would like to repeat how we got the word politics. Poli is Greek and it means many; and tics of course are blood sucking critters. Who else but the English could name a group so aptly? Scream and howl you buzzards, if you don’t like it, go away and hide in shame.
I’m going to into my garden and meditate.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Aquaponic + bamboo = end of nisery everywhere in the world
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