Sunday, August 15, 2010
Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart and the hearts of all Humanity, I invoke the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with God's Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection.
Beloved Ones, blaze the full momentum of the Sacred Violet Fire in, through, and around every electron of precious Life energy I have ever misqualified in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown. Transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record, and memory into God's Harmony and Balance.
Beloved I AM, I invoke your Divine Intervention to blaze the Violet Flame through every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed that reflects anything less than my full Divine Potential.
Look into my life and see what yet remains to be balanced by me to any person, place, condition, or thing I may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason whatsoever.
Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the good energy I have released throughout my Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as I have ever done wrong.
Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt I have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.
Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition, or thing which may have wronged me in any way, and balance all debts owed to me by Life everywhere.
I accept this God Victoriously accomplished through the Power of God, I AM. And so it is!
I invoke the Goddess of Liberty, the Goddess of Divine Justice, the Goddess of Freedom, the Goddess of Victory, and the Silent Watchers, Mighty Guardians, and Cosmic Beings who are assisting Humanity at this time from Inner levels with the cocreation of the New Earth.
Blessed Ones, come now, and blaze forth the most powerful cleansing activity of the Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment.
I open the Stargate of my Heart, and I AM instantly the Open Door for the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection the Earth has ever experienced.
The Violet Flame pulsates through my Heart Flame and blazes in, through, and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness, and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition, or thing has ever placed in the pathway of Life's perfection.
Through the Divine Power of God's Infinite Perfection the Violet Flame Transmutes this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record, and memory NOW and FOREVER.
The Silent Watchers over every country, state, city, town, village, and hamlet on the planet now reach out their great loving arms and raise up a limitless number of people in every location who are willing to participate in the faithful use of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.
Each of these Lightworkers understands the full importance of this sacred gift of the Violet Flame that is being offered by our Father-Mother God to help free Humanity from all human distresses.
The conscious use of this mighty power from the Heart of God will cause to be established within every one of these places great foci of the Violet Flame, which will continually bathe every person in each vicinity.
Now, through the Clarion Call of the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout infinity, the Violet Flame begins to expand and expand.
It merges with the Divinity in every person's Heart Flame and expands into a tremendous Starburst of Light. This influx of the Violet Flame increases to the intensity and power of a thousand Suns.
Beloved Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection...
1. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions, and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Divinity within ALL Life, and every expression is a healing benediction.
2. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all incoming babies, the children, their parents, and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.
3. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors, and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flames of God Illumination and Enlightenment are manifest and eternally sustained.
4. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, so that Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood will quickly manifest.
5. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Compassion, and Healing are tangible realities for every person.
6. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, and the God supply of all good things.
7. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury, and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.
8. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God's Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.
9. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.
10. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity's physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.
11. Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy until the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth is manifest, and all Life evolving here is out picturing the perfection of God's Infinite Physical Perfection and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Additional Information: Walk the Earth as a Living Master
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Cilantro - Coriander - Food and Medicine

I have grown cilantro (corriander) in my garden many times and it is quite prolific if you let it go to seed it will produce abundant seeds. I might add that it makes a very beautiful plant in full bloom. One plant could produce thousands of seeds. It is a seed that is often used in pickling spice and has a wonderful flavor.
Cilantro is an herb that is commonly used in Thai, Vietnamese, and Mexican dishes. In addition to its culinary benefits, it has recently been discovered to be a powerful chelating agent. Yoshiaki Omura, MD, director of medical research at the heart Disease Foundation and president of the International College of Acupuncture in New York, reported that after finding he had been heavily exposed to mercury, he accidently discovered that when cilantro is taken in a slightly cooked form it causes a massive secretion of mercury in the urine.
Dietrick Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D also recommends cilantro as the best means to remove mercury from the brain. His clinical research has found that 5 grams (teaspoonful) a day is the minimum dose. Cilantro can easily be prepared by finely chopping one heaping teaspoonful of fresh cilantro and placing it in either chicken soup or boiled water and allowed to steep for twenty minutes. One can sip the tea through out the day.
I understand that there is a hate group that is publishing their hate for cilantro. I beg of you to reconsider the usefulness of cilantro in the use of medicine as outlined in this very short article. I drink cilantro as a tea and I also use it in soups and I like the flavour of it. I love the fact that it is an extremely useful plant and so very easy to grow. I consider it to be of great value, to me. I have had it in my garden and it’s really a beautiful showy plant when it blooms and grows to seed it produces thousands of seeds per a single plant. All you need is one prolific plant and you will have all the seeds you will need for your next years garden.
The following is copied from article at:
Step 1 Treat poisoning with cilantro herbal remedies. Cilantro is used in therapy (chelation therapy). Chelation therapy has been used by conventional medicine to pull lead from patients suffering from lead poisoning. The therapy is administered intravenously using the chemical agent EDTA to remove metal from the blood stream.
Step 2 Prevent infection with dried cilantro. Cilantro contains substances that kill some bacteria and fungi, hence preventing infections from developing wounds. This is done by sprinkling dried cilantro on minor cuts and scrapes after thoroughly washing the injured area with soap and water.
Step 3 Improve indigestion with this herb. Cilantro is known to heal stomach discomforts, form from indigestion, to flatulence ans diarrhea. It is also an appetite stimulant and aids in the secretion of gastric juices. It can be taken together with tea whenever the discomforts strike.
Step 4 Control Blood sugar. Cilantro seeds have been known to control blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels and to relieve diabetes. Traditionally, it was used to treat fevers, chills, and vomiting. The leaves and roots are boiled and drunk to as tea.
Step 5 Use cilantro remedies for inflammatory conditions. Studies suggest that cilantro has anti-inflammatory effects. It is therefore used to relieve pain caused by inflammation such as arthritis. One cup of cilantro tea can be taken if such pain occurs. It can also be rubbed on painful joints.
Read more: How to Benefit from Cilantro Herbal Home Remedies |
Monday, October 12, 2009
Orion and Aquaponic Gardening

Hello: The pineal gland is a fantastic gift to mankind. Little has been taught to us about this marvellous part of our body. It has been withheld by the religious controllers. With it you have dreams and when awake it is instrumental in having thoughts and ideas and allows you to visualize things. What is actually happening is that you’re communicating with the God Mind of the Universe. From the destruction of Atlantis to this present time this knowledge has been kept from us and we have been ruled by a pluralistic form of government for the purpose of developing mankind to his/her divine human potential. I am glad to announce that this worlds form of government is near death with no hope of revival because its time has come and its purpose is no longer needed. You are now able to communicate directly to God at any time of day or night and God will answer directly in dreams and thoughts and ideas. Start listening to your dreams and ideas and thoughts. That is your Creator talking to you.
Learn to live your whole life as though it is a garden and you know that a garden needs constant attention and care. Since we have entered the Golden age you will soon have the ability to do what you would like to do as long as you can keep that love and giving nature and nurture it. Get ready for the reactivating of your 10 additional strands of DNA. When this happens, that is when your body and mind will really connect and we shall no longer be prisoners of this planet. We shall be free to travel the Universe. That’s going to take some doing and knowledge. Get ready to learn some new things, not just some, a lot.
That brings me back to my aquaponics gardening. I am looking forward to the changes that will be required and hope that I will be up to the task of attending to them. My goldfish are growing and soon going to have to have more room, a larger tank to live in. I have been searching for an adequate tank but haven’t found one yet. Soon I will be forced to give some of them away if I can’t acquire a larger aquarium. It is winter time here in South West Florida the weather has been very nice and my garden needs attention. There are lots of things going on. I have croton cuttings to care for, desert rose seedlings that need attention. There in need of replanting to larger pots. Some of my crotons are in need of larger pots along with a few other plants.
I am thinking of specializing in three plants. The desert rose, croton and plumeria. That’s about all that I have room for at this time. I’m not sure that I will have enough room for the plumeria. They are trees and require much more room to grow.
December 25, 2009: Merry Christmas to all. What a wonderful time to be living.
We are at the edge of a cliff and ready to jump into a new world; and it will be a world of wonders and amazement far beyond most to comprehend.
To bring you up to speed with his most current discussion, listen to Dr. Steven Greer at the Sign up for free and go to “Broadcasts” and sign in and go to “Archives” and select “Dr. Steven Greer” and you will be able to select many different 1 hour presentations by Dr. Greer.
One of the things most families should begin to concentrate on is home food growing, or gardening if you will. Of course my forte is “Aquaponic Gardening”. Of course the big thing as in all other aspects of life is the cost of any enterprise is paying for the oil and gas which comprise 90 percent of the cost of getting food to your table. We are at the edge of the end to having to pay for this cost and the “World Elite” can sit in their prison cells and contemplate. Give them time to grow their own sturdy tree from which they can be hung for the crimes and murders of much of humanity.
This web-site furnishes links that you can use to bring you up to date on what is really going on in the world. It’s exciting, breath taking, exhilarating, etc. We are at a point that it is going to happen, like it or not, so why not be ready for it; and believe me it will take some getting ready.
The following is quoted from the Orion Project Web Site:
“The Orion Project is a not-for-profit corporation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.
Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability.
For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil-fuel based economic and industrial interests.” End of quote.
On the left column of this blog you will find a link to the Orion Project Web Site. I hope you will read it and become interested in the free energy technology.
It is my dream to build an aquaponics system that is run entirely on free energy and if I can live a few more years maybe I will be able to accomplish just that. I would love to live long enough to see the world transformed by aquaponics family gardens run on free energy. This is the route that the New World Order gang of thugs should have taken instead of sequestering information and killing inventors that were really on to designing free energy devises. Ever since 1902 these special interests that were more interested in exploiting the nature and the world of its natural resources for their own benefit and not the benefit of the world.
When you seriously consider the current way that we all live, you will soon begin to realize that the whole system is upside down. It is very badly in need of being turned right side up. The money system for one thing is wrong, it is a debt system, and designed to keep us enslaved. Why should 80% of the entire worlds population live in poperty? It is the slave system left over from ancient times. That must be done away with and can be by the use of free energy and a very productive world wide food growing systems. A system of giving to Mother Nature will cause Mother Nature to yield abundantly. This should be done on a world wide basis. The exploiters must be dealt with most severely. They must be taught the ways of giving and if they refuse to learn, then they must be removed, permanently.
Due to the world wide collapse of the New World Order gang, that will clear the way for the development of a new society, developed the right way. We all know what don’t work. If we continue on our greedy exploiting ways, then we will self destruct. Now let’s get busy and build a new more beautiful society and world, one that will work and prepare us for the universe, because that is our destiny. Once we become a peaceful and progressive society, then we will go to the stars and educate the universe in the right way to live.
Donate to the Orion Project.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Free Energy and Aquaponic Gardening

Can you imagine the rest of the world is going ahead and beginning to implement the new free energy technology. The Israelis are preparing to set up a free-energy desalination plant on Mt. Sinai in order to start turning the deserts green. The Arabs are doing the same thing starting in Mecca. The Australians are also doing it. The Genie is out of the bottle. Mr. Obama and congress why isn’t the US leading the way? You guys along with your previous members should hang your heads in shame. You all have suppressed these systems of free energy for more than a hundred years. Exercise your leadership or please get out of the way; because you have all become a real nuisance.
Personally I am looking for that free energy to run my home and my truck. While the US is playing catch up, with the voting returning to an honest system, I wish all of you politicians an early good-by. Don’t let the door hit you in the a-- on your way out of office. On your exit I wish all you new statesmen a hardy welcome.
With that out of the way, now is also the time to consider the food levels and distribution in the world. You know that I am all for aquaponic gardening for every family and there are many reasons for this. This can be our own health care system and ensuring that we are raising the best organic foods in the world. Don’t wrinkle your nose at the idea until you study the make up of aquaponic gardening. It is not difficult and time consuming. On the left side column there are links to aquaponic gardening that you can use to educate yourself in setting up and operating a system like the home aquaponic garden.
Even though aquaponic gardening has been around for thousands of years, it is in a new paradigm where they have been scientifically developed for the purpose of being healthy and useful. With free energy being supplied to all consumers, there is no reason for a family not to have their own fresh food garden. Think of what it can also do for the community. These gardens can produce an abundance of food over the present commercial farming systems that produce poisoned second rate food stuff. This will be our country’s first line of defence in a national health care system instead of becoming ill from the consumption of poisoned products. There are so many ways that we are being poisoned that I can’t name them all and it has been due to government/corporate greed. That too is going by the way.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Aquaponcis Freedom Garden #2

Why is small gardening so important?
It’s because of the gigantic farm corporations operating in such places like Mexico under the directions of the UN and NAFTA.
Number one, why are our families concentrated in the cities? Is it for their health? I don’t think so. Our families are concentrated in large cities because of the need of cheap labour wanted by the giant factories and manufacturing businesses. This has created the terrible problems that we face today in the over crowding of our large cities. Read about the problems created by the UN and NAFTA at . You will discover the source of the present day swine flu pandemic, the reasons and problems behind it. If that don’t make you sick at heart I don’t know what would.
We need to jerk the food production away from the big business and put it into the hands of the family units. Being raised on a small farm in Michigan in the 1930’s and 1940’s I know what the benefits are to being in a family that lived on their garden production. Then along came big business and took us off of our farms and herded us into the festering cities. That needs to stop and be reversed.
Aquaponics Family Gardening is the way to go. Community distribution of locally grown food would naturally develop as more and more families developed their own gardens. Mrs. Obama is leading the way with showing people how to garden. I hope she will soon become interested in the aquaponics systems and set up a national example for all families to see how important it is for families to be involved personally in their own food production. I have this to say about you people that have made and perpetuated this joke about Mrs. Obama in her garden. I hope you starve to death in sight of a beautiful garden full of good fresh food.
I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and they are here for you to read and study. The more I study the aquaponics systems the more I am sold on this Idea of an aquaponics garden for every family. This need has never been more urgent than it is today. The scientific studies and the scientific development of products will make this an easily developed system for everybody that wants one. You can actually build an aquaponics system with grow tables, and fish tanks. I am in the process of growing my own aquaponics system. I am starting with just a 20 gallon fish tank with 10 goldfish and 2 cleaner fish. I am starting with goldfish because they are the most hardy and most easy to work with and by the time the reach adolescence I hope to be ready with a hundred gallon tank to put them in.
I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and I would like to finish this article with some thoughts:
Our current monoculture system of farming is absolutely backward to nature. It is proven that monoculture of plants and animals are disease prone and require applications of fertilizers, chemicals, and poisons to bring the food production to harvest. Right from the start it is bad for the people and animals.
Now comes the family. The family is a perfect unit for agriculture because it will supply the detail work required for care and monitoring the gardens.
With a well cared for aquaponics garden it is not a great requirement to maintain a well developed garden. For a family of 4, it will only require about 15 minutes a day to watch over your aquaponics system.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aquaponics Freedom Garden

When I was a child, 70 years ago I lived on a small farm in South Western Michigan. It was an area where they raised a lot of fruit from trees, bushes, and small plants. Of course the production and harvest followed seasonal cycles. At that time each family was primarily independent of today’s super-markets. At that time families functioned as independent units and there was a term used, which was, “Put food by in season.”. However along came marketing and large super markets and has changed all of that.
With today’s technology there is a way to break away from the stranglehold that our nations and farm industries of the world have on the people. Without that flow of food there would be rioting and pillaging in the streets immediately. Over the last very few years there is a new technology called aquaponics. It’s so new that the word processors don’t have the correct spelling of it. Basically it is raising fish and plants by circulation of the water from the fish tanks to the plant grow beds. The advantages of this system are very numerous. I will try to highlight a few of them.
1. The area required to grow the same amount of food is one tenth compared to the current conventional method of gardening.
2. The food products are completely organic. Fertilizer is not used.
3. The amount of water required is 70 percent less than the conventional method to produce the same amount of food.
4. The plants and produce grow twice as fast.
5. Planting to harvest takes only 50 percent of the time of the conventional produce.
6. Once an aquaponics system is set up, it will only take 10 to fifteen minutes a day to monitor. Even the elderly and handicapped can handle this part of it. You might consider this a negative in that the aquaponics system needs daily monitoring. I don’t, it will help teach family members responsibilities.
7. With this being a family operated home food production of fresh organic foods, the whole families health would improve. Can you imagine a whole nation living an absolutely healthy abundant life. The objective of each family being that their aquaponics system be the best in the neighbourhood. I can envision where each neighbourhood will have a weekly trading market centre where each family could go to trade their specialties whatever that might be from food products to crafts and so forth. If presented properly this could do a lot to bring our families together in strong united formations making up a fantastically strong nation.
8. No weeding required. This is one of the big work requirements in conventional gardening.
This aquaponics system is catching on in Australia and some other areas of the world, and is finally beginning to be noticed in the United States. This system can truly be the vehicle for freedom and independence of the the entire world. When this great nation was founded, everybody had a garden and a trust in God, we need to get back to it.
During the Second World War we all had Victory Gardens. I would like us all to see Freedom added to Aquaponics and all have a Freedom Aquaponics Garden. In converting to a system such as this, we have need of getting rid of the corruption in our big-corporations. They are designed to rape the people, not to give to them. We need a few neighbourhood examples to show how this could work, once started the people will love it and there will be no stopping it from sweeping the world.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
On Being Independent Of Government Health Care

It is at these times that I think about what is going on in our government and how they have stolen our very living from us. For this reason I am going to help you find a way to survive in good health without breaking your bank account. For just pennies a day you can have your health returned without the expensive medicines and supplements. I have a book for you that is free for the clicking that can begin your journey back to good health. The information in this book will absolutely amaze you. This information has been around for years but has been sequestered by the FDA and AMA and other special interest groups. It is slowly making its way into the mainstream and will get there. Truth is very powerful and as Glenn Beck says, “The truth will set you free.” He’s quoting from the Bible, this same statement is found there. He did not quote the prefix which reads in whole: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and the truth shall set you free.” I urge you to click on this link . It’s a long 124 page report and may be taken off of the internet. I urge you to store it on your computer.
Here is an ancient remedy for today's ailments and people that are morbidly ill.,%20pau%20d%27arco.htm This will surprise you and when you read about it, it will make you madder than blitzen when you realize how this information has been kept from you. They want you to be sick and in need of their witch doctor care. You may also be interested in the following link. You will find helpful information for maintaining your good health. Take back our government by taking back your own health care. Do not depend on politicians or doctors. Actually I liked Benjamin Franklins philosophy which was something like this: To keep healthy, wealthy, and wise, keep away from doctors, lawyers, and ministers. They all want to get their hands in your pockets. Too bad that Benjamin Franklin was a politician, and somewhat of a scoundrel. But that’s what made him who he was. I classify him somewhere with King David. He was a scoundrel also, but he was beloved and favoured by God.
Now with all the money that you will save, you might think of building your own aquaponics system. In a very small area you can easily raise organic fish and plants for your own consumption. If you can accomplish that, you will also save money on your grocery bill by having your own fresh groceries in your aquaponics garden. A great deal of information about aquaponics can be found in the links to the left, look under excellence in aquaponics.
I have started mine with a 20 gallon aquarium with 8 goldfish. Later I will be continuing to build my aquaponics system. I will be able by then to supply my own larger goldfish and aquatic plants for a much larger aquarium. Now what I need to do is locate a hundred gallon tank, some grow tables and plumbing supplies. I will probably put up a temporary tent to house the system. I’ll do that when I need to in its time.
When you think good health, think organic gardening with aquaponics.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky