It is at these times that I think about what is going on in our government and how they have stolen our very living from us. For this reason I am going to help you find a way to survive in good health without breaking your bank account. For just pennies a day you can have your health returned without the expensive medicines and supplements. I have a book for you that is free for the clicking that can begin your journey back to good health. The information in this book will absolutely amaze you. This information has been around for years but has been sequestered by the FDA and AMA and other special interest groups. It is slowly making its way into the mainstream and will get there. Truth is very powerful and as Glenn Beck says, “The truth will set you free.” He’s quoting from the Bible, this same statement is found there. He did not quote the prefix which reads in whole: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and the truth shall set you free.” I urge you to click on this link http://www.ozon.com.tr/images/fast.pdf . It’s a long 124 page report and may be taken off of the internet. I urge you to store it on your computer.
Here is an ancient remedy for today's ailments and people that are morbidly ill.
http://www.healthfreedom.info/taheebo,%20pau%20d%27arco.htm This will surprise you and when you read about it, it will make you madder than blitzen when you realize how this information has been kept from you. They want you to be sick and in need of their witch doctor care. You may also be interested in the following link. You will find helpful information for maintaining your good health. http://www.essiacus.com/ Take back our government by taking back your own health care. Do not depend on politicians or doctors. Actually I liked Benjamin Franklins philosophy which was something like this: To keep healthy, wealthy, and wise, keep away from doctors, lawyers, and ministers. They all want to get their hands in your pockets. Too bad that Benjamin Franklin was a politician, and somewhat of a scoundrel. But that’s what made him who he was. I classify him somewhere with King David. He was a scoundrel also, but he was beloved and favoured by God.
Now with all the money that you will save, you might think of building your own aquaponics system. In a very small area you can easily raise organic fish and plants for your own consumption. If you can accomplish that, you will also save money on your grocery bill by having your own fresh groceries in your aquaponics garden. A great deal of information about aquaponics can be found in the links to the left, look under excellence in aquaponics.
I have started mine with a 20 gallon aquarium with 8 goldfish. Later I will be continuing to build my aquaponics system. I will be able by then to supply my own larger goldfish and aquatic plants for a much larger aquarium. Now what I need to do is locate a hundred gallon tank, some grow tables and plumbing supplies. I will probably put up a temporary tent to house the system. I’ll do that when I need to in its time.
When you think good health, think organic gardening with aquaponics.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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