It has come to my attention that cilantro is a definite must in todays toxic diet that we have all been fed by our greedy merchants from many sources. I would recommend to everybody that if they have the facilities to grow their own cilantro and use their own herbs. The common English name for Cilantro is Coriander. The plant and seeds are both used in cullenary preparations. It would be a very valuable addition to your garden and pantry. Its uses are many from growing, to caring for, and harvesting it is a joy to work with this plant. It won't let you down unless you totaly neglect it. If you live in a warm climate, it will reseed itself.
I have grown cilantro (corriander) in my garden many times and it is quite prolific if you let it go to seed it will produce abundant seeds. I might add that it makes a very beautiful plant in full bloom. One plant could produce thousands of seeds. It is a seed that is often used in pickling spice and has a wonderful flavor.
Cilantro is an herb that is commonly used in Thai, Vietnamese, and Mexican dishes. In addition to its culinary benefits, it has recently been discovered to be a powerful chelating agent. Yoshiaki Omura, MD, director of medical research at the heart Disease Foundation and president of the International College of Acupuncture in New York, reported that after finding he had been heavily exposed to mercury, he accidently discovered that when cilantro is taken in a slightly cooked form it causes a massive secretion of mercury in the urine.
Dietrick Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D also recommends cilantro as the best means to remove mercury from the brain. His clinical research has found that 5 grams (teaspoonful) a day is the minimum dose. Cilantro can easily be prepared by finely chopping one heaping teaspoonful of fresh cilantro and placing it in either chicken soup or boiled water and allowed to steep for twenty minutes. One can sip the tea through out the day.
I understand that there is a hate group that is publishing their hate for cilantro. I beg of you to reconsider the usefulness of cilantro in the use of medicine as outlined in this very short article. I drink cilantro as a tea and I also use it in soups and I like the flavour of it. I love the fact that it is an extremely useful plant and so very easy to grow. I consider it to be of great value, to me. I have had it in my garden and it’s really a beautiful showy plant when it blooms and grows to seed it produces thousands of seeds per a single plant. All you need is one prolific plant and you will have all the seeds you will need for your next years garden.
The following is copied from article at: http://www.ehow.com/how_5614201_benefit-cilantro-herbal-home-remedies.html#ixzz0ryBypqYA
Step 1 Treat poisoning with cilantro herbal remedies. Cilantro is used in therapy (chelation therapy). Chelation therapy has been used by conventional medicine to pull lead from patients suffering from lead poisoning. The therapy is administered intravenously using the chemical agent EDTA to remove metal from the blood stream.
Step 2 Prevent infection with dried cilantro. Cilantro contains substances that kill some bacteria and fungi, hence preventing infections from developing wounds. This is done by sprinkling dried cilantro on minor cuts and scrapes after thoroughly washing the injured area with soap and water.
Step 3 Improve indigestion with this herb. Cilantro is known to heal stomach discomforts, form from indigestion, to flatulence ans diarrhea. It is also an appetite stimulant and aids in the secretion of gastric juices. It can be taken together with tea whenever the discomforts strike.
Step 4 Control Blood sugar. Cilantro seeds have been known to control blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels and to relieve diabetes. Traditionally, it was used to treat fevers, chills, and vomiting. The leaves and roots are boiled and drunk to as tea.
Step 5 Use cilantro remedies for inflammatory conditions. Studies suggest that cilantro has anti-inflammatory effects. It is therefore used to relieve pain caused by inflammation such as arthritis. One cup of cilantro tea can be taken if such pain occurs. It can also be rubbed on painful joints.
Read more: How to Benefit from Cilantro Herbal Home Remedies | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5614201_benefit-cilantro-herbal-home-remedies.html#ixzz0ryBypqYA
I have grown cilantro (corriander) in my garden many times and it is quite prolific if you let it go to seed it will produce abundant seeds. I might add that it makes a very beautiful plant in full bloom. One plant could produce thousands of seeds. It is a seed that is often used in pickling spice and has a wonderful flavor.
Cilantro is an herb that is commonly used in Thai, Vietnamese, and Mexican dishes. In addition to its culinary benefits, it has recently been discovered to be a powerful chelating agent. Yoshiaki Omura, MD, director of medical research at the heart Disease Foundation and president of the International College of Acupuncture in New York, reported that after finding he had been heavily exposed to mercury, he accidently discovered that when cilantro is taken in a slightly cooked form it causes a massive secretion of mercury in the urine.
Dietrick Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D also recommends cilantro as the best means to remove mercury from the brain. His clinical research has found that 5 grams (teaspoonful) a day is the minimum dose. Cilantro can easily be prepared by finely chopping one heaping teaspoonful of fresh cilantro and placing it in either chicken soup or boiled water and allowed to steep for twenty minutes. One can sip the tea through out the day.
I understand that there is a hate group that is publishing their hate for cilantro. I beg of you to reconsider the usefulness of cilantro in the use of medicine as outlined in this very short article. I drink cilantro as a tea and I also use it in soups and I like the flavour of it. I love the fact that it is an extremely useful plant and so very easy to grow. I consider it to be of great value, to me. I have had it in my garden and it’s really a beautiful showy plant when it blooms and grows to seed it produces thousands of seeds per a single plant. All you need is one prolific plant and you will have all the seeds you will need for your next years garden.
The following is copied from article at: http://www.ehow.com/how_5614201_benefit-cilantro-herbal-home-remedies.html#ixzz0ryBypqYA
Step 1 Treat poisoning with cilantro herbal remedies. Cilantro is used in therapy (chelation therapy). Chelation therapy has been used by conventional medicine to pull lead from patients suffering from lead poisoning. The therapy is administered intravenously using the chemical agent EDTA to remove metal from the blood stream.
Step 2 Prevent infection with dried cilantro. Cilantro contains substances that kill some bacteria and fungi, hence preventing infections from developing wounds. This is done by sprinkling dried cilantro on minor cuts and scrapes after thoroughly washing the injured area with soap and water.
Step 3 Improve indigestion with this herb. Cilantro is known to heal stomach discomforts, form from indigestion, to flatulence ans diarrhea. It is also an appetite stimulant and aids in the secretion of gastric juices. It can be taken together with tea whenever the discomforts strike.
Step 4 Control Blood sugar. Cilantro seeds have been known to control blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels and to relieve diabetes. Traditionally, it was used to treat fevers, chills, and vomiting. The leaves and roots are boiled and drunk to as tea.
Step 5 Use cilantro remedies for inflammatory conditions. Studies suggest that cilantro has anti-inflammatory effects. It is therefore used to relieve pain caused by inflammation such as arthritis. One cup of cilantro tea can be taken if such pain occurs. It can also be rubbed on painful joints.
Read more: How to Benefit from Cilantro Herbal Home Remedies | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5614201_benefit-cilantro-herbal-home-remedies.html#ixzz0ryBypqYA
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