Friday, July 17, 2009

Raising Chickens and Many Other Things

When I was growing up on a farm in South West Michigan I ventured into many of the following aspects of small farming. It’s really too bad that this isn’t in existence today on a much larger scale. Actually a small 10 acre farm can be very profitable. Hard work but profitable. You can develop many streams of income that feed into each other. For example, chickens supply a very high quality of valuable manure that is very usable in your gardening ventures. In turn your garden can supply an overabundance of food for your chickens. Chickens love many fresh fruits and vegetables and in turn help to keep your feed bill down.

You can become self sufficient Keeping And Raising Chickens And Poultry. Build A Chicken Coop. Growing Your Own Fruit And Vegetables. Beekeeping (Honey Bees). Herbal Remedies, Herbs, Hydroponic Gardening Garden. Building Your Own Greenhouse and etc.

We even had honeybees and had our own honey. However I developed an allergy to the sting of the honeybee. I became deathly ill at the age of about 5 or 6, then again at about the age of 14. So that is one hobby or project that I keep away from, even though I am very interested in it.

I did get into raising chickens from the egg to the full grown chicken. My incubators were some healthy setting hens. With some good hens, it really isn’t much of a problem going from the egg to the little chick. In pioneer times that’s how it was done. If I were to get back to raising chickens, I would start the same way with about a half dozen setting hens and a rooster. Believe me when the chicks arrive the roosters are as proud and so are the mothers or clucks. A good rooster with his harem will take real good care of their flock. My hens and rooster were very successful at raising flocks of 60 plus chickens.

Is Ten Acres Enough?

Edmund Morris had dreamed for many years of moving to the country, reading all he could about farming and taking a keen interest in anything agricultural. His city life had had its ups and downs and although close to bankruptcy on more than one occasion he had managed to settle his affairs and resolved to quit the city before things got any worse "the whole business horizon seemed full of coming storms, which burst successively with desolating severity". He was under no illusions; farming would be hard work and was unlikely to make him rich, but he believed strongly that it could be made to keep him and his family comfortable and so he embarked on his journey towards self sufficiency...

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