The world today on one hand is in a lot of trouble due to food shortages. The sad part of this message is that the technology exists to bring the world out of food shortage. A lesson in nature teaches that to give to nature causes nature to yield. Think about that for a minute, if that is so, why then are not our farming practices yielding the desired results. The answer is so simple that a child can understand it. You must give to nature if your want nature to yield. There is a system being developed today that is amazing the agricultural business people around the world. It is also standing the fish farming on its ear. This technology is called aquaponics. It’s an amazing win win situation with nature yielding 10 fold. That is a staggering statement but it is being proven scientifically in our universities that the aquaponics system of raising vegetables produces 10 times the amount of vegetables that the normal methods of agriculture produces.
As a result of combining raising fish and plants in a symbiotic relationship produces these fantastic results. On top of that the successful aquabionic operations are being certified as organic. That statement alone is staggering the people that are working with it. If Obama wants to produce a successful Health program, he needs to examine what is happening in this field. Kids being raised from the products produced right in their back yard would grow up to be healthy without even trying. I can visualize that this will put a lot of our doctors out of business. That’s what they want, isn’t it? If we got well, we wouldn’t need them or the national health care package.
If aquabionics produces certified organic products, that means that every family in the world could become self sufficient in their own food production. This system is in its infancy and beginning to branch out and spill over into the conventional agriculture. All of a sudden the water shortage would disappear. You can raise 10 times more vegetable on 70 percent less water. The water is being circulated in an enclosed system and used many times over. Of course there is a loss due to evaporation but converting to this system would reduce your water bill. Now you figure.
I urge all of you Patriots around the world to get interested in this program. If you have to build a make shift aquabionics system; then do it. You will need to learn about testing the water on a daily basis to prevent the loss of plants and fish from over toxicity or lack of oxygen. You just need to spend 10 to 15 minutes daily to insure that your system is functioning properly and make adjustments accordingly.
YouTube has some wonderful teaching clips on building from the very simple to the more complex. Just do a search for “aquaponics clips on youtube”. You will find lots of information out there. To start with it would be best to use what you might have on hand to get started. Then as you get a working system go for it and make improvements as you can afford them. Think of this as a fire alarm and the world is on fire and we have to put it out. It can be done. Think of it as designing your future pot farm. Aquabionics produces top grade pot. When it becomes legal we can start making rope again from our own hemp.
There are lots of things that I wonder about. For instance, how could you tie raising goats into this? Could you extend your system to accommodate the feeding of goats? For that matter, what about chickens and other animals? Is there a symbiotic loop there that we haven’t developed as of yet?
I feel like we as a nation (the United States) felt at the beginning of the Second World War. I was 10 years old when that war started and I remember how the country went to work and built a war machine that was second to none. We are at that point with aquaponics. We’re just getting started, hang on for the next 3 or 4 years. The war is world wide hunger due primarily to plunder, however now there is a way out. You can become part of the solution.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
As a result of combining raising fish and plants in a symbiotic relationship produces these fantastic results. On top of that the successful aquabionic operations are being certified as organic. That statement alone is staggering the people that are working with it. If Obama wants to produce a successful Health program, he needs to examine what is happening in this field. Kids being raised from the products produced right in their back yard would grow up to be healthy without even trying. I can visualize that this will put a lot of our doctors out of business. That’s what they want, isn’t it? If we got well, we wouldn’t need them or the national health care package.
If aquabionics produces certified organic products, that means that every family in the world could become self sufficient in their own food production. This system is in its infancy and beginning to branch out and spill over into the conventional agriculture. All of a sudden the water shortage would disappear. You can raise 10 times more vegetable on 70 percent less water. The water is being circulated in an enclosed system and used many times over. Of course there is a loss due to evaporation but converting to this system would reduce your water bill. Now you figure.
I urge all of you Patriots around the world to get interested in this program. If you have to build a make shift aquabionics system; then do it. You will need to learn about testing the water on a daily basis to prevent the loss of plants and fish from over toxicity or lack of oxygen. You just need to spend 10 to 15 minutes daily to insure that your system is functioning properly and make adjustments accordingly.
YouTube has some wonderful teaching clips on building from the very simple to the more complex. Just do a search for “aquaponics clips on youtube”. You will find lots of information out there. To start with it would be best to use what you might have on hand to get started. Then as you get a working system go for it and make improvements as you can afford them. Think of this as a fire alarm and the world is on fire and we have to put it out. It can be done. Think of it as designing your future pot farm. Aquabionics produces top grade pot. When it becomes legal we can start making rope again from our own hemp.
There are lots of things that I wonder about. For instance, how could you tie raising goats into this? Could you extend your system to accommodate the feeding of goats? For that matter, what about chickens and other animals? Is there a symbiotic loop there that we haven’t developed as of yet?
I feel like we as a nation (the United States) felt at the beginning of the Second World War. I was 10 years old when that war started and I remember how the country went to work and built a war machine that was second to none. We are at that point with aquaponics. We’re just getting started, hang on for the next 3 or 4 years. The war is world wide hunger due primarily to plunder, however now there is a way out. You can become part of the solution.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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