Monday, October 12, 2009

Orion and Aquaponic Gardening

December 31.2009 -

Hello: The pineal gland is a fantastic gift to mankind. Little has been taught to us about this marvellous part of our body. It has been withheld by the religious controllers. With it you have dreams and when awake it is instrumental in having thoughts and ideas and allows you to visualize things. What is actually happening is that you’re communicating with the God Mind of the Universe. From the destruction of Atlantis to this present time this knowledge has been kept from us and we have been ruled by a pluralistic form of government for the purpose of developing mankind to his/her divine human potential. I am glad to announce that this worlds form of government is near death with no hope of revival because its time has come and its purpose is no longer needed. You are now able to communicate directly to God at any time of day or night and God will answer directly in dreams and thoughts and ideas. Start listening to your dreams and ideas and thoughts. That is your Creator talking to you.

Learn to live your whole life as though it is a garden and you know that a garden needs constant attention and care. Since we have entered the Golden age you will soon have the ability to do what you would like to do as long as you can keep that love and giving nature and nurture it. Get ready for the reactivating of your 10 additional strands of DNA. When this happens, that is when your body and mind will really connect and we shall no longer be prisoners of this planet. We shall be free to travel the Universe. That’s going to take some doing and knowledge. Get ready to learn some new things, not just some, a lot.

That brings me back to my aquaponics gardening. I am looking forward to the changes that will be required and hope that I will be up to the task of attending to them. My goldfish are growing and soon going to have to have more room, a larger tank to live in. I have been searching for an adequate tank but haven’t found one yet. Soon I will be forced to give some of them away if I can’t acquire a larger aquarium. It is winter time here in South West Florida the weather has been very nice and my garden needs attention. There are lots of things going on. I have croton cuttings to care for, desert rose seedlings that need attention. There in need of replanting to larger pots. Some of my crotons are in need of larger pots along with a few other plants.

I am thinking of specializing in three plants. The desert rose, croton and plumeria. That’s about all that I have room for at this time. I’m not sure that I will have enough room for the plumeria. They are trees and require much more room to grow.

December 25, 2009: Merry Christmas to all. What a wonderful time to be living.

We are at the edge of a cliff and ready to jump into a new world; and it will be a world of wonders and amazement far beyond most to comprehend.

To bring you up to speed with his most current discussion, listen to Dr. Steven Greer at the Sign up for free and go to “Broadcasts” and sign in and go to “Archives” and select “Dr. Steven Greer” and you will be able to select many different 1 hour presentations by Dr. Greer.

One of the things most families should begin to concentrate on is home food growing, or gardening if you will. Of course my forte is “Aquaponic Gardening”. Of course the big thing as in all other aspects of life is the cost of any enterprise is paying for the oil and gas which comprise 90 percent of the cost of getting food to your table. We are at the edge of the end to having to pay for this cost and the “World Elite” can sit in their prison cells and contemplate. Give them time to grow their own sturdy tree from which they can be hung for the crimes and murders of much of humanity.

This web-site furnishes links that you can use to bring you up to date on what is really going on in the world. It’s exciting, breath taking, exhilarating, etc. We are at a point that it is going to happen, like it or not, so why not be ready for it; and believe me it will take some getting ready.

What on earth does Orion have to do with gardening? Well Project Orion will have a lot to do with aquaponic gardening. It takes energy to operate an aquaponic gardening system or a regular gardening system. What if that energy were free as our creator intended?

The following is quoted from the Orion Project Web Site:

“The Orion Project is a not-for-profit corporation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.

Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability.

For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil-fuel based economic and industrial interests.” End of quote.

On the left column of this blog you will find a link to the Orion Project Web Site. I hope you will read it and become interested in the free energy technology.

It is my dream to build an aquaponics system that is run entirely on free energy and if I can live a few more years maybe I will be able to accomplish just that. I would love to live long enough to see the world transformed by aquaponics family gardens run on free energy. This is the route that the New World Order gang of thugs should have taken instead of sequestering information and killing inventors that were really on to designing free energy devises. Ever since 1902 these special interests that were more interested in exploiting the nature and the world of its natural resources for their own benefit and not the benefit of the world.

When you seriously consider the current way that we all live, you will soon begin to realize that the whole system is upside down. It is very badly in need of being turned right side up. The money system for one thing is wrong, it is a debt system, and designed to keep us enslaved. Why should 80% of the entire worlds population live in poperty? It is the slave system left over from ancient times. That must be done away with and can be by the use of free energy and a very productive world wide food growing systems. A system of giving to Mother Nature will cause Mother Nature to yield abundantly. This should be done on a world wide basis. The exploiters must be dealt with most severely. They must be taught the ways of giving and if they refuse to learn, then they must be removed, permanently.

Due to the world wide collapse of the New World Order gang, that will clear the way for the development of a new society, developed the right way. We all know what don’t work. If we continue on our greedy exploiting ways, then we will self destruct. Now let’s get busy and build a new more beautiful society and world, one that will work and prepare us for the universe, because that is our destiny. Once we become a peaceful and progressive society, then we will go to the stars and educate the universe in the right way to live.

Donate to the Orion Project.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Free Energy and Aquaponic Gardening

Can you imagine the rest of the world is going ahead and beginning to implement the new free energy technology. The Israelis are preparing to set up a free-energy desalination plant on Mt. Sinai in order to start turning the deserts green. The Arabs are doing the same thing starting in Mecca. The Australians are also doing it. The Genie is out of the bottle. Mr. Obama and congress why isn’t the US leading the way? You guys along with your previous members should hang your heads in shame. You all have suppressed these systems of free energy for more than a hundred years. Exercise your leadership or please get out of the way; because you have all become a real nuisance.

Personally I am looking for that free energy to run my home and my truck. While the US is playing catch up, with the voting returning to an honest system, I wish all of you politicians an early good-by. Don’t let the door hit you in the a-- on your way out of office. On your exit I wish all you new statesmen a hardy welcome.

With that out of the way, now is also the time to consider the food levels and distribution in the world. You know that I am all for aquaponic gardening for every family and there are many reasons for this. This can be our own health care system and ensuring that we are raising the best organic foods in the world. Don’t wrinkle your nose at the idea until you study the make up of aquaponic gardening. It is not difficult and time consuming. On the left side column there are links to aquaponic gardening that you can use to educate yourself in setting up and operating a system like the home aquaponic garden.

Even though aquaponic gardening has been around for thousands of years, it is in a new paradigm where they have been scientifically developed for the purpose of being healthy and useful. With free energy being supplied to all consumers, there is no reason for a family not to have their own fresh food garden. Think of what it can also do for the community. These gardens can produce an abundance of food over the present commercial farming systems that produce poisoned second rate food stuff. This will be our country’s first line of defence in a national health care system instead of becoming ill from the consumption of poisoned products. There are so many ways that we are being poisoned that I can’t name them all and it has been due to government/corporate greed. That too is going by the way.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Aquaponcis Freedom Garden #2

Why is small gardening so important?

It’s because of the gigantic farm corporations operating in such places like Mexico under the directions of the UN and NAFTA.

Number one, why are our families concentrated in the cities? Is it for their health? I don’t think so. Our families are concentrated in large cities because of the need of cheap labour wanted by the giant factories and manufacturing businesses. This has created the terrible problems that we face today in the over crowding of our large cities. Read about the problems created by the UN and NAFTA at . You will discover the source of the present day swine flu pandemic, the reasons and problems behind it. If that don’t make you sick at heart I don’t know what would.

We need to jerk the food production away from the big business and put it into the hands of the family units. Being raised on a small farm in Michigan in the 1930’s and 1940’s I know what the benefits are to being in a family that lived on their garden production. Then along came big business and took us off of our farms and herded us into the festering cities. That needs to stop and be reversed.

Aquaponics Family Gardening is the way to go. Community distribution of locally grown food would naturally develop as more and more families developed their own gardens. Mrs. Obama is leading the way with showing people how to garden. I hope she will soon become interested in the aquaponics systems and set up a national example for all families to see how important it is for families to be involved personally in their own food production. I have this to say about you people that have made and perpetuated this joke about Mrs. Obama in her garden. I hope you starve to death in sight of a beautiful garden full of good fresh food.

I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and they are here for you to read and study. The more I study the aquaponics systems the more I am sold on this Idea of an aquaponics garden for every family. This need has never been more urgent than it is today. The scientific studies and the scientific development of products will make this an easily developed system for everybody that wants one. You can actually build an aquaponics system with grow tables, and fish tanks. I am in the process of growing my own aquaponics system. I am starting with just a 20 gallon fish tank with 10 goldfish and 2 cleaner fish. I am starting with goldfish because they are the most hardy and most easy to work with and by the time the reach adolescence I hope to be ready with a hundred gallon tank to put them in.

I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and I would like to finish this article with some thoughts:

Our current monoculture system of farming is absolutely backward to nature. It is proven that monoculture of plants and animals are disease prone and require applications of fertilizers, chemicals, and poisons to bring the food production to harvest. Right from the start it is bad for the people and animals.

Now comes the family. The family is a perfect unit for agriculture because it will supply the detail work required for care and monitoring the gardens.

With a well cared for aquaponics garden it is not a great requirement to maintain a well developed garden. For a family of 4, it will only require about 15 minutes a day to watch over your aquaponics system.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Aquaponics Freedom Garden

What if there was a way to increase the world wide yield of many fresh farm products, fresh fruits and vegetables in one tenth the area and 70 percent less water. Just consider for a while those statistics. As you muse over these figures let me go on.

When I was a child, 70 years ago I lived on a small farm in South Western Michigan. It was an area where they raised a lot of fruit from trees, bushes, and small plants. Of course the production and harvest followed seasonal cycles. At that time each family was primarily independent of today’s super-markets. At that time families functioned as independent units and there was a term used, which was, “Put food by in season.”. However along came marketing and large super markets and has changed all of that.

With today’s technology there is a way to break away from the stranglehold that our nations and farm industries of the world have on the people. Without that flow of food there would be rioting and pillaging in the streets immediately. Over the last very few years there is a new technology called aquaponics. It’s so new that the word processors don’t have the correct spelling of it. Basically it is raising fish and plants by circulation of the water from the fish tanks to the plant grow beds. The advantages of this system are very numerous. I will try to highlight a few of them.

1. The area required to grow the same amount of food is one tenth compared to the current conventional method of gardening.

2. The food products are completely organic. Fertilizer is not used.

3. The amount of water required is 70 percent less than the conventional method to produce the same amount of food.

4. The plants and produce grow twice as fast.

5. Planting to harvest takes only 50 percent of the time of the conventional produce.

6. Once an aquaponics system is set up, it will only take 10 to fifteen minutes a day to monitor. Even the elderly and handicapped can handle this part of it. You might consider this a negative in that the aquaponics system needs daily monitoring. I don’t, it will help teach family members responsibilities.

7. With this being a family operated home food production of fresh organic foods, the whole families health would improve. Can you imagine a whole nation living an absolutely healthy abundant life. The objective of each family being that their aquaponics system be the best in the neighbourhood. I can envision where each neighbourhood will have a weekly trading market centre where each family could go to trade their specialties whatever that might be from food products to crafts and so forth. If presented properly this could do a lot to bring our families together in strong united formations making up a fantastically strong nation.

8. No weeding required. This is one of the big work requirements in conventional gardening.

This aquaponics system is catching on in Australia and some other areas of the world, and is finally beginning to be noticed in the United States. This system can truly be the vehicle for freedom and independence of the the entire world. When this great nation was founded, everybody had a garden and a trust in God, we need to get back to it.

During the Second World War we all had Victory Gardens. I would like us all to see Freedom added to Aquaponics and all have a Freedom Aquaponics Garden. In converting to a system such as this, we have need of getting rid of the corruption in our big-corporations. They are designed to rape the people, not to give to them. We need a few neighbourhood examples to show how this could work, once started the people will love it and there will be no stopping it from sweeping the world.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

On Being Independent Of Government Health Care

Good Morning: When I go to meet my maker, I hope it can be from my garden. It is there that I feel closer to him. It is also there that I can calm myself and feel better. Sometimes when it gets hot, and here in South West Florida, summer time is hot with middle 90‘s starting early in the day; I need to take a break, but always feel refreshed afterward.

It is at these times that I think about what is going on in our government and how they have stolen our very living from us. For this reason I am going to help you find a way to survive in good health without breaking your bank account. For just pennies a day you can have your health returned without the expensive medicines and supplements. I have a book for you that is free for the clicking that can begin your journey back to good health. The information in this book will absolutely amaze you. This information has been around for years but has been sequestered by the FDA and AMA and other special interest groups. It is slowly making its way into the mainstream and will get there. Truth is very powerful and as Glenn Beck says, “The truth will set you free.” He’s quoting from the Bible, this same statement is found there. He did not quote the prefix which reads in whole: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and the truth shall set you free.” I urge you to click on this link . It’s a long 124 page report and may be taken off of the internet. I urge you to store it on your computer.

Here is an ancient remedy for today's ailments and people that are morbidly ill.,%20pau%20d%27arco.htm This will surprise you and when you read about it, it will make you madder than blitzen when you realize how this information has been kept from you. They want you to be sick and in need of their witch doctor care. You may also be interested in the following link. You will find helpful information for maintaining your good health. Take back our government by taking back your own health care. Do not depend on politicians or doctors. Actually I liked Benjamin Franklins philosophy which was something like this: To keep healthy, wealthy, and wise, keep away from doctors, lawyers, and ministers. They all want to get their hands in your pockets. Too bad that Benjamin Franklin was a politician, and somewhat of a scoundrel. But that’s what made him who he was. I classify him somewhere with King David. He was a scoundrel also, but he was beloved and favoured by God.

Now with all the money that you will save, you might think of building your own aquaponics system. In a very small area you can easily raise organic fish and plants for your own consumption. If you can accomplish that, you will also save money on your grocery bill by having your own fresh groceries in your aquaponics garden. A great deal of information about aquaponics can be found in the links to the left, look under excellence in aquaponics.

I have started mine with a 20 gallon aquarium with 8 goldfish. Later I will be continuing to build my aquaponics system. I will be able by then to supply my own larger goldfish and aquatic plants for a much larger aquarium. Now what I need to do is locate a hundred gallon tank, some grow tables and plumbing supplies. I will probably put up a temporary tent to house the system. I’ll do that when I need to in its time.

When you think good health, think organic gardening with aquaponics.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Friday, August 28, 2009

‘Question authority. There are no experts‘. Wilhelm Reich

Why should one question authority. When do you know you have all the facts? If you are honest with yourself you know that you just never know the answer to that question. If you think you have all the facts, then you should be able to draw correct conclusions from the subject. However, just one missing fact could totally destroy or alter your conclusions and ready it for the trash bin. This often times is discouraging but of necessity if you are to continue investigating, then your conclusions should improve.

Years ago I worked for an individual that was doing a statistical analysis. The subject doesn’t matter. I started with several hundred records of facts that were included in the first analysis. We went through the detail and began to exclude certain records of facts. In the final analysis he came up with the results that he wanted for his argument. Believe it, this is done in industry all the time. I hear statements made about products that just wrinkle my skin. One of the very worst is, “Most Doctors agree that….” . In my book that is the most deceptive form of advertising and I find it very disgusting. Then you will find that if they try to hone in on a specific target, they will glean non objectionable facts from their source to make their analysis look the way they want it to look. From this you can be assured that statistics don’t lie, but satiations do. Only if in the final analysis if the report doesn’t look favourable they just won’t use it. Be careful of statistics and don’t believe most of them because you probably will not be presented with all the facts to back up the conclusions. Sure they have conclusive proof after they threw out what they didn’t want to include.

Now when it comes to gardening, I most certainly am not an authority. I am aware of certain things like local weather, local plants, and some exotic plants. I work with plants but do not perform any scientific work on them. I just do personal experiments with them. I use what works for me. I do things in a certain way, some are orthodox and some are not; and sometimes with surprising results. In starting new plants, I have used several methods. Starting from seed, starting from cuttings of various types, layering. Each method has its own peculiar procedure for accomplishing your desired results. Sometimes I even discover procedures accidentally; which are performed by nature and try to duplicate the process. One plant the kalanchoe I found propagated itself from tiny root bulbs that develop from the parent. This I found as a very easy process to use. It requires an additional year which many don’t want to wait. However I have chosen that way to go with the kalanchoe rather than the leaf or stem cuttings. Overall it will be much less time consuming and less work and more plants. I have many kalanchoes in my garden and when they flower they really put on a show of colour.

Thank you for reading my blog: Brad Vigansky

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gardening Now And Tomorrow

Gardening, whether it be a small home garden, truck garden or large commercial garden; it is a wonderful opportunity to commune with nature and your Creator. Your personal garden can be just a stepping stone into wonders that you never dreamed of. Where does your garden go from here? Depending on your personal interests, goals, and ambition, once started there will be no turning back. You won’t want to. You will have doors opened continuously that will take you further into the awesome plan and beauty of the world around you. Just keep your eyes, ears, nose and tongue tuned in and enjoy what you will find and discover.

Your garden should be and will be something you will be able to really enjoy and plan your future developments. Like a beaver in running water, builds a dam and around him will develop an aquatic paradise for his use and enjoyment and good healthy living. His work results will surround him with all of his needs. That is what your garden can do for you. Just start it one plant at a time, but keep the total picture in mind to give you direction for a lifetime. Once introduced to the biology of plant life and understand the symbiotic relationship between plants and biology of animals, you will stand in awe at the beauty of Creation. If you like experimenting, you could learn to love gardening. It is full of needed experimenting in all areas of life forms. Following your interests will take you down many paths in which the learning seems endless.

Can you learn how to splice a gene? Say you would like to change the colour of the flower to yellow. That could be done by splicing the yellow colour gene (if you could find it) into a host plant. I would love to see a yellow Desert Rose. If I could develop one, I could make a fortune from it. I have seen white, blue, pink, and red but never yellow. Do you think there is room for a yellow Desert Rose? What about a pink Marigold? On and on this could go. As people we have barely scratched the surface. The whole future is waiting for us, we just need to grab onto it and make it work in a family environment. I think it’s time for the idea of the cities to rethink their value and return to the family environment and it’s Spiritual and Physical needs. Some people like cities and that’s ok, but you still need what a family environment can produce and that is, stability, loyalty, healthy organic food, which is at very best controlled by what a family unit can furnish and that is the production of community organic foodstuffs and replace national and world wide monoculture . This idea of monoculture is totally out of step with nature and desperately needs to be replaced. This can be done with aquaponics. Aquaponics will tie it all together. Here is an idea for someone; “I wonder if frogs could be raised in an aquaponics system?” That could be a very interesting project. What about the other aquatic life forms, and there are lots of them. Shrimp, crabs, etc.

What about the functions of an aquaponics home life environment. How will this affect the daily living of the family? What affect will this have on community living? If planned for properly it could become an absolutely beautiful way of life. As time goes on and more and more people around the world begin to shift to aquaponics systems, we will have need for more people to write about and contribute to the data base of the total aquaponics home life. This is bound to have a tremendous impact on and in the whole world.

Thank you for reading my blog: Brad Vigansky

Grow Your Own Organic Food Using Aquaponics

If you are in need of a “Disease Care System” like President Obama is discussing and designing or what we have in medicare you are at a point where you are in need of taking care of the basics of your health. The place to start is at the cellular level. At this time in our world of scientific development you should even consider growing your own poison free organic food. Don’t be overwhelmed by the idea, it is possible and with the development of aquaponics science has taken the hard work out of it and designed systems in such a way that the elderly and infirm can even take control and raise their own food composed of plants and fish. I can foresee the time when all new homes will be built with and have the room for at least a basic aquaponic system. They will eventually become a necessary part of life. No matter how you slice it, the family, whether 1 or 30 is the basic building block of nations. It all starts in the family. Strong healthy families will build strong healthy nations.

I have started developing my own aquaponics system, but haven’t completed it. I am at the point where I have a 20 gallon (hydroponic) fish tank with 8 goldfish. I plan on adding a cleaner fish later. The reason that I am using goldfish is that they are hardy and will hopefully survive any mistakes that I make. Also, here in Port Charlotte, Florida, I won’t need a heater. I also have a small nursery garden that I will be using the fish water, about 5 gallons a week for fertilizing my nursery plants that are in my garden. As the fish grow in size, I will eventually transfer them to a hundred gallon aquarium which will service 2 plant grow beds and will transfer the larger goldfish into the hundred gallon tank. By then I will be fully operational with my aquaponics system; at this point, I might consider growing tilapia. They are a very good eating fish, and do well in this climate; but I’ll need a heater for the winter months. Probably 2 or 3 months a year.

This aquaponic system should produce enough organic fruits and vegetables for my personal use, and if I have any excess, I will give it to my neighbours. There are some statistics and things that you should become aware of in regard to producing organic food in this manner.

  1. You can grow up to 10 times more plants in half the time with healthier plants. Your water circulating system and fish do almost all the work.
  2. Your food will be organic. Organic food produces better health. You know that your food is fresh and it will taste much better.
  3. You will not need fertilizer, all you will need is fish food.
  4. Your water requirements will be 70 to 80 percent less than the conventional method of raising food produce. As your water evaporates, you just replace it by adding more water. Do not add chlorinated water, it will kill your fish and probably some if not all of your plants.
  5. Your only time requirement on a daily basis is less than 15 minutes of checking to make sure everything is functioning properly.
  6. Reduction in refrigeration of fresh food stuff, keep it in the grow beds until you are ready to use it and eat it. Harvest only what you need at the time. No need to harvest a weeks supply at a time. Of course this may require rethinking on how and when to plant many crops.
  7. Your system should not be left unattended, that is the only draw back if you are a person that is away from home a lot. If you are gone, you will definitely need a very responsible person to take care of your aquaponic system while you are gone. If this is a family operation, then there must be a person in charge to insure that things are running properly. You have plants and animals that need daily attention and inspection. The health of your aquaponics system depends up on it. This operation will eventually become the most important thing in your life. Your very good health will depend upon it. The health of your whole family will depend upon it.
  8. To sum it up, your cost for this operation would be a lot less than buying your fruits and vegetables at the grocery stores. Think of the time savings at the grocery store, instead you just go to your grow beds and select what you want to use at the time of the meal. Time savings could be considerable. I don’t have any statistics, but I’m sure the family food bill would go down with the quality going up. This is a huge plus.
  9. A very important point. In order to remain disease and pathogen free it is necessary to feed your fish proper food. Do not allow any animal manure as used in some third world countries to be a part of your fish food. Many of these ancient cultures did not practice this due primarily to ignorance. This could possibly be the cause of worldwide pandemics of many of the horrible diseases that have ravaged the world many times over. Keep this clearly in mind if you want to be able to certify your produce and sell organic food. Here in Florida, you won’t even get a license to sell your products and would be shut down if you did. It is vital to the health of the whole world to do this right. If this catches on in the USA, we wouldn’t have to import any food at all.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Little Red Hen

Good Morning: Have you wondered where the family loyalty has gone? Could it be that these little moral stories are no longer being taught in the schools. One that I seem to remember so well is: "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands, so comes poverty." What is this little proverb trying to teach? My garden constantly reminds me of this. I have to be alert and awake to keep the weeds out of my garden, or what I’ll have is a garden full of weeds. It’s a life lesson that can be extended into all aspects of life. You must stay healthy and alert and work at the important things.

Another one you may remember is the story of the little red hen in the barnyard? Nobody would help her in her chores of finding seed, planting and growing the grain, harvesting and grinding the grain and finally baking the bread. She did all this by her self. When she baked the bread, she refused to share it with all the other animals which had refused to help her. This is an extremely valuable story to be taught to our children. Examine and learn the moral lessons that this little story teaches. They can carry you through a lifetime of living a good life.

This little family had a very loyal and active working member; the little red hen. By her actions she was teaching her family the value of work and contributing to the family. Any member that refused to help was not awarded with the fruit of her work. It’s just that simple. These principles when applied nation wide will add to developing very strong loyal citizens and country.

I have a feeling that this little story is no longer being taught in our government school curriculum because they would probably consider it of no value in tearing down our country, instead of building it up. Citizens need to wake up and take control of the real development of our country by instilling loyalty and building strong loyal family units. When I was a small child back in the 1930‘s there were ruminants of this pioneer culture, but it is sadly missing today. If you would like to see that returned we need to turn back to the basics.

This communist idea of redistribution of wealth was tried by our pioneer parents back in the 1600’s. When Jamestown was established they had a communal system but within a very short time they found that this system was not going to work. Even then they had their share of sluggards. It was changed when they saw the results of their labour being distributed to the lazy and non contributing individuals. They soon put the communal idea away and went on to develop a strong group of colonies. Everybody being awarded according to their work and production. If that is taken away, it will be the final blow that will kill this country.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Working With Plants

Good Morning: When working with my plants I have to consider methods in reproduction for increasing my supply of plants. If I clone them, I know that I will get exact copies of the parent plant. Reproducing plants by this method doesn’t get much more interesting than that. By using this method exclusively, I will be extremely limited in the number and variety of plants that I have unless I go outside of my little collection and purchase some new varieties; which is ok. Then you have the cloning process of invetro cell reproduction which leads to new plants which are exact replicas of the parent plant. Thus it is a cloning process. This is ok if you want massive amounts of plants or do it just as a hobby. If you would like more detailed information see this web-site. Plant Tissue Culture Kit

If I go to the sexual method of reproducing plants that is a whole new topic for discussion. At what point does one start with this method? Usually one just purchases seeds and try to grow new plants from seeds. That can be good or bad depending on your desired results. For certain results you may have to go clear back to the genetics of plant life and work with it. Usually it will grow out from observation of your plant results from seed that you purchase. Which carried further will go into cross pollination then observing the results from the production from your own seeds. This is a very time consuming process and requires very good record keeping and marking each plant. For the most part, I will leave that to the plant breeders; but it can be done. I am working with one plant called the Desert Rose and so far I have 4 varieties of the Desert Rose that are producing seeds. I have one plant that has over 2 dozen seed pods. The plant is so loaded that I have had to prop up some of the branches. If they are full of seeds, I may have to sell some or give some away. I just am not equipped at this time to handle hundreds of seedlings. They are all outside in my garden and will be open air pollinated, with a little bit of help from me. So far I had one pod open and I got 8 seeds from it. I have no idea how many seeds that I will get and still have no idea how viable they will be. That all takes a lot of time; however I find it interesting.

It is interesting to relate the study of genetics and the study of life and the theory of Evolution. It really makes me laugh, what they are trying to do is take God out of the equation of the origin of life. Do you know who they are going to find when they finally arrive at their conclusion? It is well established that life comes from pre-existing life. Of course their conclusion will be God. What they describe as Evolution really boils down to genetics. In his great wisdom God created the genetics of all life. That’s why there is such a great diversity. It’s all imbedded in the genes. That’s why sex was created, it was for the purpose of mixing the genetics of plants and animals. Howl you Theorists, just disprove it. It still takes a male and a female to mix the genes, unless you do some splicing, which is possible but quite unnatural. When it comes to symbiotic relationships, which came first the plants or the animals?

To the Theorists they think I’m just part of the dumb sheeple. Well just bark away, I have one over on you.

I’m going to spend some time in my garden and enjoy the day and work on the weeds a little bit; pesky things.

Between two neighbours I’m going to finally get a Mango tree established. One lady gave me 2 seedlings and they are both in pots and doing really great. The other lady has a mango tree that I plan on getting graft/cuttings and graft from that tree to my seedlings. Once you get them growing, they develop very fast here in the tropical area of Florida. I must say that the Mango is probably my favourite fruit. They are so juicy that you almost need to eat them in a bathtub. They are much better than the peach because they don’t have all that fuzz and they are much bigger. They don’t taste anything like a peach however, they have a unique flavour.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Morning Walk And Then Some

Good Morning: I got up this morning and walked Wolf the family dog on his early morning walk and followed my youngest grand-sons as they went to catch their bus for High School. After the kids got on the bus Wolf and I headed back for home. As usual I turned him loose and he trotted ahead of me, but kept looking back just to see if I was tagging along. He isn’t dumb, he took a short cut and didn’t go the path that I expected. He had his chores done and was ready to get back to Rosie, his master; that‘s the boys Mother and my youngest daughter.

When I got home I began working on the plants in my aquarium. I put stones in tiny pots and filled the pots with plants and stoned them in so that they would stay put in the corners of the aquarium. While I was finishing up, I heard on the news that President Obama is appealing to the Church leaders to appeal to the people to get behind the health bill. Now is that ever a switch. What’s going to happen to all this hate talk about the churches? There is a word for it; it’s hypocritical. Or you could say, “You call it hypocrisy!”. How the tune has changed.

I have a question; ‘What’s missing?’. I’m going to tell you; “It is true repentance is totally lacking”. I haven’t seen any bent knees in supplication before their Almighty Creators Throne. If we are to return to a true Republic, with democratic representation, which is totally lacking today, this will be required by the people and the leaders, to approach God in a true repentant attitude. Then maybe, just maybe God might listen and answer our prayers.

We The People must throw off the Illegal IRS, Illegal Federal Reserve, remove the shackles that the IRS has used to muzzle the people and the Church Leaders. Until this happens, then nothing, but nothing will go in favour of the people. We need to fire everybody in our government and start over with God as our leader. Those that don’t like it are free to leave. Like it or not, we are a Christian Nation, at least for a while. I sincerely hope that when the next voting session for the nation comes up that our government employees will be out of a job, replaced by true Christian Statesmen. Like it or leave.

If this would happen, get ready for the blessings of God. We have a job to do, let’s get with it and throw the renegades out, legally. I’m tired of seeing people following the illegal examples set by our governments political leadership totally set up for their self gratification.

In the mean time, let’s learn about aquaponics and get the vision of really returning the health and wealth to our people by producing very good organic food which will go a long way in returning good health to the people. There are links on the left that are there for your use. Use the information wisely and not only learn how to fish, but how to raise fish and plants for food together.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Click on picture and learn all about it.

Aquaponics is here to stay and the timing could not be more important that it is right now. As long as there are people on the earth the demand for food is getting evermore important; especially good organic food. If you raise your own aquaponic organic food, you won’t have to worry about your personal supply of fresh food. As the world heads more and more into turmoil, it is very important that you consider combining raising fish and plants in a single connected operation. Getting set up is the most important thing. I am going at it little by little. Monday I plan on introducing goldfish into my aquarium. I chose goldfish because:
  • They are most hardy and considered cold water fish.
  • I don’t need a water heater.
  • They are easy to care for and raise.
  • They are inexpensive. I’m going to start with 8 goldfish at a total cost of $1.04.
  • I plan on using about 5 gallons of fish tank water for fertilizer for my plant nursery hobby. I will do this once a week, I have about 700 plants that I am caring for and experimenting with several different aspects of raising plants.
  • For my personal requirements this will very nicely tie in together.
  • If you are successful at raising your gold fish to adults, if well taken care of they should live for about 15 years.
  • After set up with gold fish it would be a simple conversion to convert to another type of fish such as tilapia. I would need heaters for them. When starting out, it is important to keep costs at a minimum.
If I loose any baby gold fish I will just pick up some more and add to the group. I am being very careful because I don’t want to loose any because of my carelessness. Those that I succeed in raising will go into my aquaponic system that I plan on starting in about 6 months. By that time a slow old curmudgeon like me should be ready to go with it.

If you have the money and would like to purchase an aquaponics system ready to go just click on the picture above. That will give you a good idea of what an aquaponic system looks like and what you could run into in the way of costs if you don‘t build your own system. To start with, keep it simple, you will have enough to learn as it is.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Elderberries In South Western Michigan

Good Morning: On the Pioneer Farm where I grew up in South Western Michigan were remnants and traces of a log cabin that my great-grand-parents built and was used to raise their family. My grand-father John B. Nixon was born in 1856 and raised in that log cabin. Just a few feet north east of the cabin were planted a patch of elderberries. I can remember as a child, even though the cabin was no longer standing, the elderberry patches were growing quite well. When those berries got ripe, I spent time among the bushes, more like small trees, eating those elderberries. I never realized the real health value those berries contained. In Pioneer times they were known as the pioneers medicine chest. The flowers, leaves, berries, bark and roots have all been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries. The fruits have been used to make elderberry wine, and when cooked, can be used in pies and jams. The berries contain more vitamin C than any other herb except rosehips and black currants. Read about the value of Vitamin=C at This Link. Today they are rediscovering the value of those little dark blue elderberries.

They are using elderberries to make an alternative tincture for the cure of the flu, colds, and viruses. It would be well to have this product on hand in view of the current Swine Flu Pandemic. It’s so easy to make, easy to take, that there is no reason not to be ready and have it on hand. Read my former blog article Flu Preparations And Prevention

Isn’t it interesting that the elderberries ripen from Mid August to Mid September, just in time for the colds and viruses. Get prepared, it takes about 30 days to make the tincture from the berries and have it ready for the flu when it comes around. You can purchase dried elderberries from the health food stores; and if they don’t carry them, have them put in an order for you.

You can grow your own elderberries by ordering plants from the following link Very Important: Be sure to order The Elderberry Black Beauty, Sambucus nigra. These plants are very hardy. The elderberries growing on the farm where I lived were planted by my great-grand-parents, and I arrived 25 years after they died. There were two places on the farm where they were growing and at the time I grew up, that area was being used as pasture for horses and cows. Once you get your own plants established, they will require little care. They are beautiful when they are in full bloom and they are beautiful when the berries ripen. I loved watching the birds fly in and out of those little trees. Those little trees were just the right size for a little adventuresome kid. I used to imagine I was deep into a forest and exploring. It was no bigger than a garden area but to me it was a wondrous world full of adventure.

Brad Vigansky

Friday, August 14, 2009

Raising Ferns In South West Florida:

Good Morning from Port Charlotte Florida:

With a little encouragement and proper care ferns will grow here like weeds. I keep them in pots because I don’t want them spreading into my yard. In spite of containerizing I find them growing in pots that I didn’t plant and in areas of my garden that I didn’t plant them. I did buy a specific fern that I liked a few months ago and put it into a large pot and set it on one of my tables under a tree. It started to put out runners and I decided to try to grow new plants from them. I took small pots and filled them with potting soil and placed the longer runners into the pots. If they were too long, I just circled the runner inside the pot and placed it totally into the potting soil; being sure the have the tip buried. Within a month I had fern plants developing with a new leaves about 2 feet long. I was really surprised at how fast they grew.

I immediately got some more pots, because by then the mother fern was putting out runners like topsey. I will be able to start several new fern plants from just the one mother fern. It will actually produce more runners than I can possibly take care of at this time. I actually wasn’t being very careful, I was in a hurry and did a rather sloppy job of it, but it worked. Like I said ferns in this locality are rather invasive and will g-r-o-w. It’s taking over my table very rapidly.

I have other varieties of ferns growing around the place that I dig up and throw away. One started growing with a Christmas Cactus that I will have to dig out and get rid of. Once they put their roots down, they are very tenacious in wanting to stay in the pots.
Today I might re-pot some of my new fern plants. I’m not really sure if I should separate them from the parent plant, or let them mature for a while. Strawberries which develop from runners need some time to develop in sturdy new plants. They receive help from the mother plant which furnishes nourishment for some time.

I’ll make a determination some time today.
I have to work on my new aquarium. I have the metal stand ready to repaint, which will take only a few minutes, then let dry, then tomorrow I will set it up with water. We have been having quite a bit of rain here and I want to do that outside; however I may get rained out before I get started. I will just have to play that by ear. If it rains, I’ll have more nap time.

A few days ago I created a few new plants with a weed whacker. I’ve put them into pots with rooting soil and so far they are holding up. I will know in a few days if I might have some additional plants to add to my collections. That’s not exactly how to propagate cuttings, but if you get them early enough, you may get some new plants. Those two kinds of plants are the kind that flower constantly and they are perennial plants, Pentas and Mexican Petunias. I am trying to increase my stock with both of those varieties.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hurricane Charlie - Five Years Ago

August 13, 2009. Five years ago today Hurricane Charlie entered into my life and did a good job of destroying my home. According to the county report my home was 66 and 2/3 destroyed. I decided right then that I would not rebuild nor would I own another house here in this area of Florida. I just was not going to go through the massive red tape to accomplish something that I probably would never be happy with.
For the following month after the hurricane, my life was a nightmare. The whole area was turned into a disaster area and we had the army here taking charge, for which I was very thankful and grateful. They did a wonderful job of securing the area.

I am also grateful to the local neighbours that kept a night-time watch for looters. They actually kept a bonfire going through the night in a barrel set in the middle of the street just outside of where I was sleeping. I would have pitied any looters that might have tried to enter into the area. They would have been shot. Those young people meant business. Early on, there was no law enforcement except for what we as a group supplied in our specific area. The local law was incapacitated due to all the destruction of the hurricane. Electricity and water off and roads closed due to hurricane debris.
Almost immediately the neighbours and I began to pile debris out to the sidewalks. No sooner did we get a huge accumulation of roadside debris hauled away by the county we began to pile more. This was repeated over the next few weeks several times. Each time the amount decreased until finally it was all cleaned up. I don’t remember how many weeks it took, but it was several. I could probably go into my back yard and still find small pieces of shingles still lying there as a reminder of Charlie. In between what seemed like a never ending chore we had to pick up ice and food near by from the army. The Red Cross was here and gave me money to buy a bed and some new cloths and groceries. That was greatly appreciated. We were under curfew for several weeks, we couldn’t be out on the streets after 7pm. That was really no problem for me. I don’t know about others. Since the water lines were underground, we had just enough water to flush the toilets which worked. After a week or so the water pressure in my area returned to normal. After three or four weeks the electricity was turned on. Things began to normalize, if you could call it that. The area remained in disaster mode for months. Ever so slowly, Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte have rebuilt and now after five years, the area is more beautiful than ever.

There are still some scars of Hurricane Charlie, but the trees are making a slow comeback. Many of the trees had broken limbs and broken trunks but those that survived have grown quite a bit in the past 5 years. The tall palms that used to sprinkle this area will take many more years to repopulate as people replant. Many of the fir trees in the area have been lost, but there are a few that made it. The street that I live on had many beautiful old trees, but they are all gone, however the neighbourhood is beginning to get its old charm back. Five years and a lot of hard work has made a beautiful difference.

Today I am going to spend with my youngest daughter working at the Elks in Port Charlotte. She is a cook/waitress there and I am her helper; dishwasher etc. I do that one day a week. Just enough to get out and circulate a little. It’s very enjoyable for me because that is time that I have to visit and talk to her in addition to helping with her work.

This afternoon I plan on getting my aquarium set up, get it started to cycling getting ready for a couple of fish. It is my intent to develop this eventually into an aquaponic system or feed into it. Presently it will be a hydroponic operation and I will use the change water to fertilize my regular nursery garden. I’ll keep you all posted as I continue with this project. Maybe even some pictures if I can talk Cody my grand-son into taking them. He has been in photography for some time and is continuing his studies in it with his last year of high school.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Aquarium

Good Morning: I received a very nice fish tank yesterday from Rose my youngest daughter and guess what. Today I will be working on getting started to setting up an in house fish tank. I am a little apprehensive about getting started, at 78 I just don’t take to changes in routine very well. That is until I get with it. Then it will be ok. I just don’t want to kill a bunch of fish in order to get established.

It is my intent to go aquaponic with this fish tank and it will be my first step in getting there. I plan on stocking it with goldfish because they are the hardiest and most forgiving. It will be hydroponic to begin because I want to experiment with using the change water on my garden nursery stock and I don‘t want the extra expense of setting up plant grow tables; that‘s additional expense that I just can’t afford at this time. I just have to get used to the idea of having fish to care for and making a change in fertilizing my plants. It’s going to make quite a change. The thing that is spurring me on is that it will save me money and will at the same time improve the health of the plants. I’m hoping it will be all natural and complete the organic process.

I will be making a trip to the pet store to do some investigating on just what all I will need in the way of using the local tap water. I know I have to declorinate it and also add some other stuff to make it liveable for the fish. I may eventually wind up with an inground pond or pool; I’m just not quite sure where that will lead me. Looks like I’m inventing some words or my word processor just don’t like my spelling. Oh well! Then there is a little assembly that needs to take place. Like attaching an aerator, a heater and hooking up lights, etc. I feel like Dorothy and Toto, “Oh My!”

I am very determined to make this work, I am trying to tell people how they should try this and feel really sold on the concept. My biggest problem is building something that I will be able to handle. It’s like gardening, every plant that you add creates more work and finally you reach a point, no more plants. Getting old hasn’t been any help either. I just have to be careful not to overload my donkey. It’s a journey and it’s one step at a time. Then there are the unwanted guests in your garden like bugs and weeds. At times it seems that they just seem to appear out of nowhere. It’s either attack or loose the battle.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Aquaponics, Getting Things Right. The Small Things Count.

A lesson from my early years comes to mind. When it comes to problems; it’s the small things that count. That applies to many things. Many of you can relate to that. When someone is ill, sending a card is a small thing, but it really counts. It shows that you really care.

Carbon Dioxide enrichment of your plants can greatly increase your plants rapid growth. However you must have water and light plus nutrients for this to be effective. A study of the following will aid you in making the correct adjustments to your aquaponic system. All this must come together with daylight hours because photosynthesis occurs during the daytime. If you get this put together properly your results will be healthy vigorous plants. By eating them, (the plants and fish) you too should then become healthy and vigorous. Remember you are working at the molecular structure of plants and animals and that is where your health starts; at the molecular level. You getting at the source and taking care of all these small matters will help and enrich you all during your life.

Additional reading: I can hear the global warming brats, Oh no, we can’t allow them to use more C02 for raising plants. I have one word for them and their ilk, phooey!

  • C=Carbon
  • H=Hydrogen
  • O=Oxygen

Photosynthesis equation is 6H2O + 6CO2 = C6H12O6+ 6O2

Photosynthesis changes six molecules of water with six molecules of carbon dioxide to one molecule of sugar and 6 molecules of oxygen. (combine so as to form a more complex, product), which is food for the plant.

6H2O + 6CO2 = C6H12O6+ 6O2 which translates to six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide and produces one molecule of sugar plus six molecules of oxygen

A good study of Photosynthesis can be started at the following web-site:
Studying the information at this website will be a tremendous aid for you in making good decisions in developing your aquaponics and hydroponics systems. It’s a real good lesson in science and biology. This will give you an understanding of why you might need to add or remove certain elements to your systems. This is very basic knowledge that will carry you to success with your systems of producing the best top grade food available. The right information will help you in making the right decisions. That’s a basic law of success.

In your production of the very best quality food you must understand the science of photosynthesis. It will give you a really great feeling when you see your healthy fish and plants bursting with energy and growth; ready to transfer their good health to you. You will be giving a gift of good health to all the people that will be using your produce. As a result you will be improving the health of the world.

As far as C02 and Global Warming. I think the results of the game are not yet in. There has been a tremendous scientific study going on in regard to the ancient and near ancient history or our planet and sun. We know that one of the major cycles of the movement of the sun and the planets takes 26 thousand years to complete and there are sub cycles within that. December 21, 2012 is the momentous mark of the cycles of time that completes one of those 26 thousand year periods. It will be extremely interesting to watch the heavenly bodies as they move into position to mark that particular 26 thousand year mark. As we move through that time, watch in awe as you study the handy work and majesty of God. Just to examine and evaluate what is going on in our industry and scientific endeavours one can’t help but believe that God is preparing us for an awesome future. I for one look forward with awe as this future is being unveiled.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Gardening And Health Care

One of the greatest benefits that you could obtain from gardening is the study of plants in relation to your health. The reason that we as a people are having such a gigantic problem with our health is our food along with the pollutants and poisons used by our giant farms to produce their products. The use of poison to kill the bugs, which is a sign of sick plants. Then they push the plants with chemical fertilizer. So we are getting sick and poisoned plants with the plants and animals that have been poisoned. If this were to stop the big farms would go out of business. If that happened the world would starve to death. So we have a catch-22 situation.

So how do we get out of it? There are some answers that you won’t like, but you might consider them. Which would you rather have, a sick world, or a healthy world? I don’t buy the saying, “Oh that won’t work today.” Well this will work today because it is already working and proving to be absolutely successful. This leads to “Aquaponic Gardening“ and it will extend into “Hydroponic Gardening”. I look for a marriage of the two systems and I will try to explain why.

Nelson and Pade, Inc. offers proven aquaponic (organic hydroponic) systems for all applications including: hobby, home food production, education, commercial and research. By purchasing one of Nelson and Pade, Inc.'s Aquaponic Systems, you will avoid the high costs and problems associated with untested systems and home-built efforts. Nelson and Pade, Inc. offers a diverse mix of systems to meet a variety of budget, space and production requirements. All of the systems have been designed around proven concepts, equipment and fish to plant ratios. These are all very important things to consider whether you are a hobbyist, or commercial, or experimental. There is great need for more scientific experimenting in these fields. We need to extend both fields, the aquaponic and hydroponic systems to accommodate the entire farming requirements for the country. The fact that aquaponics systems produce organic food and can be certified, this needs to extend into the whole world wide effort of farming. Local education is a must, so we are talking about a life time job that anybody that has a good interest in these methods can carve out.

If you are really interested in aquaponics I urge you to go the following web site and read what they have there and then make intelligent choices. Click Here.

Like I have told my kids, learn more than you need to know when undertaking a project. Then when you start in, you will realize how little you knew about it. This is where our future as a world lies. We must educate ourselves in the area of self food production and in so doing you will embark on a wonderful lifetime education. We should make it our family objective to be as self sustaining as possible and keep the government, doctors, insurance people, and all those that want to put their hands into our wallets at bay. We can become a much stronger nation by remaining self independent. A strong family builds into a strong nation. If we lived by raising our own organic poison free food, we wouldn’t need a national health care program. Think about it. We are sick because of our ignorance and listen to unscrupulous doctors, lawyers, merchants, and thieves. Each county should have its own food distribution centre supplied by the local people for redistribution by selling and giving the left over to the poor. What a powerful, well, and happy people we would have.

Following are 3 links each to several pictures of of various operating aquaponic systems. They are very interesting, and have good ideas for working out your plans.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bay Laurel For Your Garden

Good Morning: I spent some time yesterday picking bay laurel leaves. I have 3 bay trees in my garden. I planted them 4 years ago and last year is the first that I harvested a few leaves from them for my personal use. I make soups a lot and love the bay leaf flavour. When I was a little guy my Mother used to make a buttermilk and potato soup and would flavour it with bay leaves. I love that flavour and finally about 4 years ago bought 3 bay laurel plants. They grew and now I can have enough leaves for my own use plus give some away.

I sprayed the trees with water and when they dried I started to pick the leaves. After I picked them I took the basket of leaves into my house and laid a terry cloth towel over my foot stool then spread the bay leaves out to dry. It will take about 3 or 4 days. After they have dried I will put them into small jelly jars and put them in my cupboard. I have a couple of friends that I will be giving the excess to.

Try them in your soup, you will like the nice flavour that your soup will have by adding a leaf or two. Don’t eat the leaves, take them out of the soup before serving because they do not get soft, just throw them away into your compost.

Gardeners in frost-free or light frost areas will find that Bay Laurel seedlings planted in the ground will grow into large trees, 40 feet and taller; but when kept pruned the Bay Laurel tree can thrive as a small bush. Bay Laurel can also be grown in a containers, the size of which limits the ultimate size of the trees. New plants are often started by layering,

Layering is a means of plant propagation in which a portion of stem grow roots while still attached to the parent plant and then you can detatch as an independent plant; or from cuttings, since growing from seed can be very difficult. I tried from seed once and none of them grew. Cuttings can also be difficult especially if you don’t know anybody that has a bay laurel plant. They are slow to root. If you do plant a bay laurel plant, it will probably sucker new plants. All three of mine are doing that, they are putting up new growth from beneath the ground and are producing roots from the side growth. This would also be a way of producing new plants.

Bay trees are difficult to start from seed, due in part to the seed's low germination rate, and long germination period. Fresh seeds with the pericarp removed typically have a 40% germination rate, while dried seeds and/or seeds with an intact pericarp have yet lower germination rates. In addition, the Bay Laurel seed germination period can be 50 days or more, which increases the risk of the seeds rotting before they germinate. Treating the seeds with Gibberellic acid will stimulate rapid stem and root growth and induce mitotic division in the leaves of some plants, and increase seed germination rate.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gardening and Politics

What on earth does gardening have to do with politics? I am going to try and answer that question.

The origin of the United States of America began at the Declaration Of Independence and immediately produced the American Constitution which would regulate the members of the new government. The 13 States created the Federal Government. Not the other way around. We as a people almost immediately began to loose our new found freedom to “Politics”.
Nowadays we need permission to expel body fluids and solids. It’s not quite that bad, but it’s going in that direction. We are at the place that the American people were when King George passed the Stamp Act and gave the soldiers the right to serve self written search warrants to be sure that all your papers had the Kings stamp on it. You can listen to Judge Andrew P. Napolitano explain that in his address on the first of April, 2009 at Ohio.

What is missing in our government are statesmen!!
What we do have are a big bunch of blood sucking varmints. Isn’t that what politics mean? Poli is Greek and means many. Tics of course are blood sucking varmints. Only in English can this happen. What is a statesman? Opposed to being a Statesman a Politician is someone who attempts to gain personal advantages, most likely by scheming or manoeuvring. Also, a politician belongs to a political party; a true statesman would tower over a politician in all aspects of leadership because his leadership would be selfless; whereas the leadership of a politician would be as you can surmise a leadership of self emulation and not at all for the people. In emulation learning, subjects learn about parts of their environment and use this to achieve their own goals. Is it conceivable that the party system can be destroyed and replaced with Statesman Party Groups? If politics enters into lying that alone is evidence for scrubbing. What can replace the party system? I think one word can sum it up, “Honesty”. As soon as a man is found lying in an elected office, in my book, it’s evidence for dismissal.

After his first month Obama should have been dismissed for lying. It’s documented and provable. I’ve heard so many of his lies that I’m sick of it. Isn’t it interesting that one of the Big Ten is “Thou shalt not bear false witness”. Oh God, I quoted the Bible. Too bad for those that reject your word. Can you honestly say in the view of what is happening in our government that the biggest problem are the liars. For a government to function well, it must insist in honesty. Are we wrong to invoke the power and authority of God to intervene on our behalf to clean up our government.
Is it time for a third party or a statesman’s party? Maybe I have just named it, The US Statesman’s Party. It could very easily be two parties, the ladies party and the men’s party. I can hear the howling now! In spite of the party system we have had a few good statesmen (this is inclusive for men and women) in our government down through history. That allows an open door for subversive thinking people and the one weak point is that we must too become subversive to regain control of our government. Would this in its origin be self defeating? I think that a Mother and a Father that raised a family of fine children would make very good statesmen.

Back to the home and gardening. So many people live in meagre homes due to taxes. If they do anything to improve their home and living condition, here comes the municipality with its hand out wanting more taxes. This needs to come under very careful scrutiny by the people and maybe demand a confirmation of States Rights for the county and districts. It’s time to kick a__. Thankfully and finally the States are beginning to move in this direction to kick the Federal Government out of areas that they don’t belong. Read more about it.

With a new party, God could be included with it. We are a Christian Nation are we not? This is another missing element in our government. It’s full of politicians and Godless people. If they don’t want anything to do with God, of course God will not interfere with them, even when they get in trouble. However even God has a limit on his tolerance. We are beginning to witness His interference. Daily, just look about you. We are a greatly blessed country, we just have a boil on our backside that needs attention. Once that is taken care of we can get back to our daily devotions and living. With our daily healthy living, how about considering aquaponic gardening which produces healthy organic poison free food stuffs. Aquaponic gardening is very people friendly, old, elderly, ill and infirm, all are able to care for a well set up aquaponic system. Read and See more about it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky


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