Friday, October 10, 2008

My Nursery Garden

For three years I tried to have a butterfly garden and loved it except for the Mexican beetle that attacked the milk weed plants that I was raising for the butterflies. Things change so has my gardening. My youngest daughter Rosemarie has a landscaping business and I am raising some of the plants that she will be using. It’s kind of like a family enterprise which is by the way a home based business.

I am still encouraging the butterflies and I think I can be successful in combining the efforts of a small nursery operation and still have a butterfly garden. I’m working at it. I am primarily interested in raising the Plumeria Frangipani. I have about a dozen of them started; they are the flowers that they use to make the Hawaiian Leigh’s. I also am very interested in the Croton, a plant primarily raised in the tropics. I have about 80 crotons started and doing well.

At this time my inventory of plants is quite small but I have a few of several varieties. Some I am experimenting with to learn how to take care of them. I will be working with the kind of plants that require little attention and can do well in this very hot climate. The climate alternates between being excessively wet to excessively dry. This year it has been near normal. When it rains the weeds and grass really grow fast. During the dry seasons and it has been excessively dry for about 3 years. I work with plants that tolerate the extreme climate and will do well when transferred locally to another garden or field.

Since this is a home based business, that’s what I’m about. If you would like to know more about it go to the links at the bottom of this article.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

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