December 31.2009 -
Hello: The pineal gland is a fantastic gift to mankind. Little has been taught to us about this marvellous part of our body. It has been withheld by the religious controllers. With it you have dreams and when awake it is instrumental in having thoughts and ideas and allows you to visualize things. What is actually happening is that you’re communicating with the God Mind of the Universe. From the destruction of Atlantis to this present time this knowledge has been kept from us and we have been ruled by a pluralistic form of government for the purpose of developing mankind to his/her divine human potential. I am glad to announce that this worlds form of government is near death with no hope of revival because its time has come and its purpose is no longer needed. You are now able to communicate directly to God at any time of day or night and God will answer directly in dreams and thoughts and ideas. Start listening to your dreams and ideas and thoughts. That is your Creator talking to you.
Learn to live your whole life as though it is a garden and you know that a garden needs constant attention and care. Since we have entered the Golden age you will soon have the ability to do what you would like to do as long as you can keep that love and giving nature and nurture it. Get ready for the reactivating of your 10 additional strands of DNA. When this happens, that is when your body and mind will really connect and we shall no longer be prisoners of this planet. We shall be free to travel the Universe. That’s going to take some doing and knowledge. Get ready to learn some new things, not just some, a lot.
That brings me back to my aquaponics gardening. I am looking forward to the changes that will be required and hope that I will be up to the task of attending to them. My goldfish are growing and soon going to have to have more room, a larger tank to live in. I have been searching for an adequate tank but haven’t found one yet. Soon I will be forced to give some of them away if I can’t acquire a larger aquarium. It is winter time here in South West Florida the weather has been very nice and my garden needs attention. There are lots of things going on. I have croton cuttings to care for, desert rose seedlings that need attention. There in need of replanting to larger pots. Some of my crotons are in need of larger pots along with a few other plants.
I am thinking of specializing in three plants. The desert rose, croton and plumeria. That’s about all that I have room for at this time. I’m not sure that I will have enough room for the plumeria. They are trees and require much more room to grow.
Hello: The pineal gland is a fantastic gift to mankind. Little has been taught to us about this marvellous part of our body. It has been withheld by the religious controllers. With it you have dreams and when awake it is instrumental in having thoughts and ideas and allows you to visualize things. What is actually happening is that you’re communicating with the God Mind of the Universe. From the destruction of Atlantis to this present time this knowledge has been kept from us and we have been ruled by a pluralistic form of government for the purpose of developing mankind to his/her divine human potential. I am glad to announce that this worlds form of government is near death with no hope of revival because its time has come and its purpose is no longer needed. You are now able to communicate directly to God at any time of day or night and God will answer directly in dreams and thoughts and ideas. Start listening to your dreams and ideas and thoughts. That is your Creator talking to you.
Learn to live your whole life as though it is a garden and you know that a garden needs constant attention and care. Since we have entered the Golden age you will soon have the ability to do what you would like to do as long as you can keep that love and giving nature and nurture it. Get ready for the reactivating of your 10 additional strands of DNA. When this happens, that is when your body and mind will really connect and we shall no longer be prisoners of this planet. We shall be free to travel the Universe. That’s going to take some doing and knowledge. Get ready to learn some new things, not just some, a lot.
That brings me back to my aquaponics gardening. I am looking forward to the changes that will be required and hope that I will be up to the task of attending to them. My goldfish are growing and soon going to have to have more room, a larger tank to live in. I have been searching for an adequate tank but haven’t found one yet. Soon I will be forced to give some of them away if I can’t acquire a larger aquarium. It is winter time here in South West Florida the weather has been very nice and my garden needs attention. There are lots of things going on. I have croton cuttings to care for, desert rose seedlings that need attention. There in need of replanting to larger pots. Some of my crotons are in need of larger pots along with a few other plants.
I am thinking of specializing in three plants. The desert rose, croton and plumeria. That’s about all that I have room for at this time. I’m not sure that I will have enough room for the plumeria. They are trees and require much more room to grow.
December 25, 2009: Merry Christmas to all. What a wonderful time to be living.
We are at the edge of a cliff and ready to jump into a new world; and it will be a world of wonders and amazement far beyond most to comprehend.
To bring you up to speed with his most current discussion, listen to Dr. Steven Greer at the http://www.worldpuja.org/home.php. Sign up for free and go to “Broadcasts” and sign in and go to “Archives” and select “Dr. Steven Greer” and you will be able to select many different 1 hour presentations by Dr. Greer.
One of the things most families should begin to concentrate on is home food growing, or gardening if you will. Of course my forte is “Aquaponic Gardening”. Of course the big thing as in all other aspects of life is the cost of any enterprise is paying for the oil and gas which comprise 90 percent of the cost of getting food to your table. We are at the edge of the end to having to pay for this cost and the “World Elite” can sit in their prison cells and contemplate. Give them time to grow their own sturdy tree from which they can be hung for the crimes and murders of much of humanity.
This web-site furnishes links that you can use to bring you up to date on what is really going on in the world. It’s exciting, breath taking, exhilarating, etc. We are at a point that it is going to happen, like it or not, so why not be ready for it; and believe me it will take some getting ready.
What on earth does Orion have to do with gardening? Well Project Orion will have a lot to do with aquaponic gardening. It takes energy to operate an aquaponic gardening system or a regular gardening system. What if that energy were free as our creator intended?
The following is quoted from the Orion Project Web Site:
“The Orion Project is a not-for-profit corporation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.
Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability.
For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil-fuel based economic and industrial interests.” End of quote.
On the left column of this blog you will find a link to the Orion Project Web Site. I hope you will read it and become interested in the free energy technology.
It is my dream to build an aquaponics system that is run entirely on free energy and if I can live a few more years maybe I will be able to accomplish just that. I would love to live long enough to see the world transformed by aquaponics family gardens run on free energy. This is the route that the New World Order gang of thugs should have taken instead of sequestering information and killing inventors that were really on to designing free energy devises. Ever since 1902 these special interests that were more interested in exploiting the nature and the world of its natural resources for their own benefit and not the benefit of the world.
When you seriously consider the current way that we all live, you will soon begin to realize that the whole system is upside down. It is very badly in need of being turned right side up. The money system for one thing is wrong, it is a debt system, and designed to keep us enslaved. Why should 80% of the entire worlds population live in poperty? It is the slave system left over from ancient times. That must be done away with and can be by the use of free energy and a very productive world wide food growing systems. A system of giving to Mother Nature will cause Mother Nature to yield abundantly. This should be done on a world wide basis. The exploiters must be dealt with most severely. They must be taught the ways of giving and if they refuse to learn, then they must be removed, permanently.
Due to the world wide collapse of the New World Order gang, that will clear the way for the development of a new society, developed the right way. We all know what don’t work. If we continue on our greedy exploiting ways, then we will self destruct. Now let’s get busy and build a new more beautiful society and world, one that will work and prepare us for the universe, because that is our destiny. Once we become a peaceful and progressive society, then we will go to the stars and educate the universe in the right way to live.
Donate to the Orion Project.
The following is quoted from the Orion Project Web Site:
“The Orion Project is a not-for-profit corporation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.
Technological progress in the areas of advanced physics and electromagnetic systems, if appropriately supported, will enable humanity to live on the Earth with a minimal footprint with genuine long-term sustainability.
For over 100 years, these advanced concepts in energy generation have either been ignored or actively suppressed due to the power of fossil-fuel based economic and industrial interests.” End of quote.
On the left column of this blog you will find a link to the Orion Project Web Site. I hope you will read it and become interested in the free energy technology.
It is my dream to build an aquaponics system that is run entirely on free energy and if I can live a few more years maybe I will be able to accomplish just that. I would love to live long enough to see the world transformed by aquaponics family gardens run on free energy. This is the route that the New World Order gang of thugs should have taken instead of sequestering information and killing inventors that were really on to designing free energy devises. Ever since 1902 these special interests that were more interested in exploiting the nature and the world of its natural resources for their own benefit and not the benefit of the world.
When you seriously consider the current way that we all live, you will soon begin to realize that the whole system is upside down. It is very badly in need of being turned right side up. The money system for one thing is wrong, it is a debt system, and designed to keep us enslaved. Why should 80% of the entire worlds population live in poperty? It is the slave system left over from ancient times. That must be done away with and can be by the use of free energy and a very productive world wide food growing systems. A system of giving to Mother Nature will cause Mother Nature to yield abundantly. This should be done on a world wide basis. The exploiters must be dealt with most severely. They must be taught the ways of giving and if they refuse to learn, then they must be removed, permanently.
Due to the world wide collapse of the New World Order gang, that will clear the way for the development of a new society, developed the right way. We all know what don’t work. If we continue on our greedy exploiting ways, then we will self destruct. Now let’s get busy and build a new more beautiful society and world, one that will work and prepare us for the universe, because that is our destiny. Once we become a peaceful and progressive society, then we will go to the stars and educate the universe in the right way to live.
Donate to the Orion Project.