Why is small gardening so important?
It’s because of the gigantic farm corporations operating in such places like Mexico under the directions of the UN and NAFTA.
Number one, why are our families concentrated in the cities? Is it for their health? I don’t think so. Our families are concentrated in large cities because of the need of cheap labour wanted by the giant factories and manufacturing businesses. This has created the terrible problems that we face today in the over crowding of our large cities. Read about the problems created by the UN and NAFTA at http://americas.irc-online.org/am/6408 . You will discover the source of the present day swine flu pandemic, the reasons and problems behind it. If that don’t make you sick at heart I don’t know what would.
We need to jerk the food production away from the big business and put it into the hands of the family units. Being raised on a small farm in Michigan in the 1930’s and 1940’s I know what the benefits are to being in a family that lived on their garden production. Then along came big business and took us off of our farms and herded us into the festering cities. That needs to stop and be reversed.
Aquaponics Family Gardening is the way to go. Community distribution of locally grown food would naturally develop as more and more families developed their own gardens. Mrs. Obama is leading the way with showing people how to garden. I hope she will soon become interested in the aquaponics systems and set up a national example for all families to see how important it is for families to be involved personally in their own food production. I have this to say about you people that have made and perpetuated this joke about Mrs. Obama in her garden. I hope you starve to death in sight of a beautiful garden full of good fresh food.
I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and they are here for you to read and study. The more I study the aquaponics systems the more I am sold on this Idea of an aquaponics garden for every family. This need has never been more urgent than it is today. The scientific studies and the scientific development of products will make this an easily developed system for everybody that wants one. You can actually build an aquaponics system with grow tables, and fish tanks. I am in the process of growing my own aquaponics system. I am starting with just a 20 gallon fish tank with 10 goldfish and 2 cleaner fish. I am starting with goldfish because they are the most hardy and most easy to work with and by the time the reach adolescence I hope to be ready with a hundred gallon tank to put them in.
I have written many articles about aquaponics gardening and I would like to finish this article with some thoughts:
Our current monoculture system of farming is absolutely backward to nature. It is proven that monoculture of plants and animals are disease prone and require applications of fertilizers, chemicals, and poisons to bring the food production to harvest. Right from the start it is bad for the people and animals.
Now comes the family. The family is a perfect unit for agriculture because it will supply the detail work required for care and monitoring the gardens.
With a well cared for aquaponics garden it is not a great requirement to maintain a well developed garden. For a family of 4, it will only require about 15 minutes a day to watch over your aquaponics system.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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